This is the *.txt file for dshrink. ===================== DSHRINK - WHAT IS IT? ===================== Dshrink is a program for removing redundant sidedefs from PWADS. It turns out that PWADS don't need all the sidedefs they typically come with. If two sidedefs in the same sector are identical, DOOM can just as easily paint both walls using either sidedef, making the other redundant. Dshrink greatly reduces the size of PWADS, typically removing over 50% of the sidedefs. "The Ungathered", the eighth level of Cleimos, built with deu and run through wad_dwd and idbsp, weighs in at 300k before dshrink, and 244k after. About 1850 sidedefs were redundant, thus removed. Also, since PWADS are examined dynamically as DOOM runs, smaller PWADS should mean a faster game. ============== *** CAVEAT *** ============== ************** Dshrink's output is useless as input to a level editor. ************** The editor (deu in our case) reads the PWAD just fine, but ************** if you change a sidedef, any other linedefs using it will ************** inherit the change. This makes editing very painful. ************** DO NOT MAKE THE MISTAKE OF WIPING OUT YOUR INPUT FILE BY ************** RENAMING YOUR DSHRINK OUTPUT (TMP.WAD) TO THE NAME OF THE ************** INPUT FILE. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR MISTAKES. ================== HOW TO USE DSHRINK ================== Dshrink was built using DJGPP (DJ's GCC port to DOS), and requires that GO32.exe is in the search path. If you have GO32 already, you're set. If not, a copy is included. After you've done binary space partitioning on your level (bsp, idbsp, etc.), (Assuming that dshrink.exe and go32.exe are present in your working directory...) > set GO32TMP=c:\ /* only needed once per session */ > dshrink /* doesn't change your pwad */ This creates the file tmp.wad, which you can then play. REMEMBER NOT TO RENAME IT BACK TO YOUR ORIGINAL PWAD NAME! THIS WILL MAKE LEVEL EDITING A BIT PAINFUL! ====== SOURCE ====== Source is included in the file dshrink.c. ===== NOTES ===== 1. This program is only to be used with wads designed to work with the registered version of DOOM. 2. If you distribute dshrink, you must also distribute the original source and this dshrink.txt file. 3. DOOM is a registered trademark of id Software, Inc. 4. If you have any problems with this program, please contact us at