Deatch Match Notes. This level is tuned for deatchmatch on varying skill levels. skill 1/2 = less weapons, more rocket ammo/lunchers, less conventional ammo, more health. (rocket fragfeast, perfect for tournament) skill 3 = less weapons (except for chainsaws/chainguns), more conventional ammo ... probably more suitable for coop. or low powered deatchmatch. (chainsaw/chaingun/shotgun duel) skill 4/5 = More weapons, More conventional ammo, less rocket ammo. (suitable for high powered fragfeast (rocket/plasma)). IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE FINDING WEAPONS IN MULTI MODE USE SKILL 4 OR 5 AND READ THE LAST SECTION OF THIS FILE. There is at least a shotgun/chaingun near each deatch match start (within say 10 second run). Also only 1 secret door is openable by shooting (and nothing greatly valuable is behind it) so don't waste your ammo. DEATHMATCH STARTS HINTS ====== This section holds hints for finding weaponary just after you regenerate in one of the deatchmatch points. NEAREST WEAPONS near (Quickest to get to. Teleports used where necessary) the DM starts. Weapon number in brackets (eg. chaingun(5)) refer to that weapon count number from weapons.txt DM Start # 1 - In a teleport at the end of a long ick room overseeing the acid river. - Fall over the R.launcher to the right. - Get back into teleport for shotgun near E1M4 section. - Chaingun(2) in the acid pit at the end of the river to the left. (skill 4-5 only) 2 - Room with crates - Shotgun dead ahead. - Chaingun(1) to the south. - R. launcher(2) to the north-east - Beserk on one of the crates (skills 1-3 only) 3 - E1M4 start - Shotgun in the usual place. - Chaingun(1) to the north/east, take the lift on the right. 4 - In the E1M5 chaingun secret room (dejavu) - Chaingun (skill 3), Plasma gun (skills 4-5) or R.launcher (skills 1-2) dead ahead. - Shotgun in the usual E1M4 place (east). - Chaingun(2) in the acid pit at end of e1m4 acid trench. - Chaingun(1) to the north. 5 - In the Stone room above the water/vine c-yard. - Chaingun(9) dead ahead. - Shotgun in the vine recess in the yard below (take the telelport in the east) (skills 3-5 only) - Shotgun on the steps to the small yellow door in the yard to the right (skills 1-2 only) - BFG behind altar to the south of the blood pond. 6 - Room with the large red pulsating star - Shotgun on the star - R.launcher(1) in the marble room to the south 7 - Teleport in the marble sniping spot overlooking castle courtyard with plasma gun on the pillar. - Chaingun the the left in the dark corridor - Shotgun in the large red star room (step back into the teleport) - Chainsaw(2) in the high marble section overlooking the plasma gun in castle's courtyard. - Plasma gun in castle courtyard. NB: for both of these follow the corridor to the left thru the door... over the lift and take it left thru the yellow skulled door and thru the teleport behind it. 8 - In the wooden room with gargoyle altar. - Shotgun on the gargoyle altar. - Chaingun in the metal recess (woah like 5 metres from that shotgun ;) ) (skill 4/5 only) - BFG to the east (behind the altar). - Beserk in the blood sewers to the east. - Chainsaw in the blood sewers to the east. - Chainsaw behind the marble tower (skill 4-5 only) - R.launcher(1) to the north. - R.launcher(3) or chaingun(8) to the west on ledge in castle courtyard 9 - On the ledge opposite soulsphere altar in castle courtyard. - Chaingun(9) or R.launcher (5) dead ahead (north). - Chaingun(4) in the winding vine stairs to the north (fall off the ledge first then take winding stairs). 10 - In the castle section near pit overlooking blood lake - Beserk right next to ya. - Chaingun(4) in winding vine stairs (south-east). - Shotgun near castle spring (behind door behind trees with glowing torches... take it right twice at first). - Plasma gun to the south/east (find that teleport 1st... a bit long winded ... )