================================================================ Title : Demonfear 1 : Escape Into Conflict Filename : DFEAR1.WAD Author : Adam Windsor Email Address : awindsor@enterprise.powerup.com.au Misc. Author Info : author of: TALONS SAVAGE OUTBACK CODA SURVEY DEADMEN Description : This is the first of 6 parts, which will ultimately replace _ALL_ 32 levels of Doom2. All levels are playable solo, co-op or DM, to give you maximum playing opportunity! Demonfear 1 replaces levels 1 - 5 of Doom2, and represents the first chapter of the saga. Level One - Wolves in the Kitchen Somehow, the demons have captured the base where you are stationed. Fortunately, your key locked door has protected you so far. Grabbing the shotgun and flak vest every smart Marine keeps in his bedroom, you head out ... you know this base well (full map at startup!) ... maybe you can get the armoury key, grab some real firepower, and escape ... Level Two - The Colonel's Car You make a bee-line for the home of Col. Adrian Nash, USMC (ret). The house has probably been over-run, but the Colonel's car is probably still in the garage ... you can use it to reach human lines. Level Three - Gettin' Gas The Colonel may have kept his car in good running order, but he wasn't too good at keeping it filled with fuel. You're out of fuel, forced to walk half a mile back up the road to a deserted fuel station ... or maybe it isn't deserted at all. Level Four - Transport Nexus Your car has carried you to the State Transport Nexus, where you can find a teleporter capable of taking you to any location with thirty miles. Of course, such an important base cannot already have fallen to the demons .. can it? Level Five - Communication Base Your teleport destination, Communications Base 42. Activate the communications gear here, and you can warn the country about the demon assault ... if you live long enough ... Look out for Demonfear 2 : Into Darkness. Coming as soon as I finish it! Additional Credits to : naturally, iD, for DOOM and DOOM2 the creators of DEU, DETH, IDE, BSP, RMB, NWT Everyone who playtested ! Special thanks to Bill McClendon, for his comments suggestions and tireless playtesting. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : MAP01 --> MAP05 Single Player : Yes! Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes! Difficulty Settings : Yes! New Sounds : No New Graphics : I used NWT to combine existing textures into "new" ones, but that's all. New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch (of course!) Editor(s) used : DETH, DEU hack for Doom2, IDE, NWT, BSP, RMB Known Bugs : none known .... e-mail if you find any. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use these levels as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications, through any FTP site, BBS, or FREE disk or CD. You may NOT distribute this WAD on any Disk or CD intended for sale. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: cdrom.com (where else?) BBS numbers: hey, if you want to call Australia, try: FOX'S LAIR +617 3803 3908 and +617 3803 6821 Other: