The Code Pointer Page by Lee Gaiteri (Under construction) Here are lists and information about common code pointers. There is also a form, if you have any knowledge you'd like to share (especially about code pointers in DOOM II). DHE 3.0 useful code pointer list Frame Note Action Attack pointers 185 Trooper attack (pistol) 218 Spiderdemon/sergeant attack (shotgun) 257 Archvile attack 1 (create flame) 264 Archvile attack 2 (lift) 336 Revenant punch 341 Revenant attack (required for missile to "home") 377 Mancubus attack pattern 1 (center, left) 380 Mancubus attack pattern 2 (center, right) 383 Mancubus attack pattern 3 (half left, half right) 417 Nazi/chaingun sergeant attack (alternate shotgun type?) 454 ! Imp attack 487 Demon attack 506 Cacodemon attack 539 ! Baron/Hell Knight attack 590 * Lost soul attack (attack sound required) 648 Arachnotron attack 685 Cyberdemon attack 711 Spawn lost soul (PE attack) Projectile maintenance 119 BFG/multiple hit effect 127 # Explosion (rocket/barrel) 316 * Projectile homes on target and makes smoke trail 801 2? Make a spontaneuous "rising" explosion (frames 799-801) Logic control 174 Wait to wake up 176 Move and check to attack 243 (see below) Same as above, but for archvile 419 ? Check for line-of-sight (to stop firing) (?) 618 Check for line-of-sight (to stop firing) Sounds 157 Play injury sound 166 Play exploding sound 184 Play attack sound (if any- makes a good dummy pointer) 190 Play death sound A few walking sounds 603 Spiderdemon walking sound 635 ? Aracnotron walking sound 676 Cyberdemon hoof sound Death 159 ? Player death (used in DeathMatch?) 160 ? Dead body mode (turn off bits 1 & 9) 397 ? Magic code pointer (lower sector tag 666, end levels E2M8 & E3M8) 774 2? Dead body mode (magic pointer for DOOM II?) 783 2? End level (+ create expolsions in DOOM II?) ? Untested, unknown, or exact effect is somewhat unclear * Requires special conditions to work # Does not hurt some monsters ! Different for close and far attacks; throw fireball or scratch 2 May have extra effects in certain DOOM II levels Revenant Missiles Revenant missiles, I have found, do not home in on a target unless they are launched using the code pointer that makes them. This code pointer also sometimes makes a sound that exists in DOOM II but not in DOOM I. Archvile Respawn When the archvile walks over a dead body and respawns it, he does so by jumping to frame 266. This is internal to the code pointer, and cannot be changed. So any patch to make other monsters use this effect will have to change at least frame 266, and should (for style reasons) change 267 and 268 as well. The way I do it is to change those frames to use teleport fog sprites (I change the duration to 6), and to make 268's next frame point to 242 (the archvile's second normal frame- it could be 241, but I do this for style in the animation). I also change frames 241 and 242 to use the teleport fog sprites; that way, the monster waits to wake up again, and when it does it will use its own moving frames. Otherwise, the 266-268 sequence would jump to frame 243, and your monster would use the archvile's frames until it attacked, got injured, or died. Magic Code Pointers "Magic" code pointers are used internally by the game to do certain things. Their behavior is not fully understood, but they are generally used for "end of game" levels. For example, the two barons in the first episode of DOOM have this code pointer in their death frames- when both die, the outer sector (which uses the special tag 666) is lowered. (This effect has been observed with other monsters. When all with the same group of code-bearing frames die, the same thing happens.) In episodes 2 and 3, this code pointer ends the last level when all the monsters with the pointer are dead. My information is still slightly sketchy, so don't take all of the above at face value. There also seem to be a couple of magic code pointers in DOOM II. One of them controls a door in one level, so I'm told, when Commander Keen is killed. The other creates explosions and ends the level when the big brain is killed. They both have effects in DOOM I, but not "special" effects. 774 is otherwise an alternate "dead body mode" pointer, and 783 just ends levels. But, my information on these ones is worse yet, so they're still quite open to speculation. Other code pointers Other code pointers have been discovered whose effects are unknown. Only a few of that kind were reluctantly included in this table, for completeness' sake. More pointers should be known in the near future. DOOM is a trademark of id Software. Lee Gaiteri (a.k.a. Lummox JR) /