ASDOOM][: The Final Countdown (Part Three). First revision, 12/3/95. Please read ALL of this file before beginning play, especially the section entitled CONDITIONS OF USE as this details what you may and may not do with these files. INTRODUCTION Welcome to ASDOOM][, a series of completely new levels for id's DOOM ][. This archive contains the final two new levels, replacing MAP07 and MAP08. You should also try to secure the first two archives, ASD2_PT1.ZIP and ASD2_PT2.ZIP. ASD2_PT1 contains replacements for MAP01, MAP02 and MAP03. The files in ASD2_PT2 follow on directly from these, replacing MAP04, MAP05 and MAP06. These levels are best played together, as a series. ASD2_PT1.ZIP and ASD2_PT2.ZIP also include the earlier plot text. This text has not been repeated here as it is intended that you play all of the levels together, so get hold of those other archives! Note that there is also a file called ASD2.ZIP available. This archive contains all eight levels grouped into one big PWAD, plus all of the plot text. The advantages of securing this archive is that all known bugs from levels one to six have been cured, and I don't mind if you want to include THAT archive on any compilation or coverdisk that you are putting together. All DOOM levels these days seem to have to have individual names (like UNDERHALLS or ENTRYWAY), so I decided to give mine names too: Level seven is A FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY and level eight is aptly named FINALE. In each case you'll have to find out why the hard way... ;) For the ultimate experience play all eight levels in a dark room (the darker the better!) on Ultra Violence. If you do this I can guarantee you one of your best games ever (assuming that you live long enough to enjoy it). :) DEDICATIONS A full list of dedications may be found in the file ASD2_PT1.TXT in the first ASDOOM][ archive. I am still grateful to all of those people, but not repeating their names again saves you download time... Also, a big thank you to all of the people who took the time to write to me about ASDOOM and/or ASDOOM][. You are the reason that I went back to work on these last two levels after a four month break (ASD2_PT2 was released way back on 20/10/94), so I guess that these final offerings are dedicated to you. It seems fitting that they are the best. I didn't get invited to contribute to id's compilation of extra levels for DOOM ][. :( Of course, that means that you get to play for free. :) INSTRUCTIONS Decompress this archive if you haven't already. Place all files in your DOOM2 directory. None of your existing files will be altered by playing these levels, but if you feel nervous just make sure you back up your DOOM2 files first. Once all of the files are in your DOOM2 directory simply change to that directory and type ASD2.BAT to play the new levels. This batch file is designed to get you straight in to the new levels without the need to set anything up first. A message will appear telling you that you are playing modified levels - this is no cause for alarm. Press Enter to continue. Once DOOM2 has loaded choose a difficulty level and play as normal. -------------------------------*IMPORTANT*----------------------------------- CONDITIONS OF USE Copyright for these levels remains with the author. You are welcome (even encouraged!) to have fun with these levels yourself, and to pass them on to as many other people as possible so that they can have fun with them too, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: * This compressed file (zip or arj or whatever) must be passed on in its entirety with all files present and unaltered in any way. You may not add to or detract from what is here, just pass it on exactly as it is. * You may not use these levels as a basis for alterations to produce levels. * You may not sell any of the ASDOOM or ASDOOM][ levels or include them (or a derivative of them) on any compilation which will passed on for profit (e.g. sold), or given away (e.g. strapped to the cover of a magazine) WITHOUT THE EXPRESS PRIOR PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR IN WRITING. Use, decompression or duplication of this software indicates total and unquestionable acceptance of these conditions. I am not trying to be difficult here, but I've worked long and hard on these levels (over forty hours EACH) to enhance and extend your enjoyment of a great game. All I ask in return is that you respect my labour, please. I have extensively playtested these levels and plenty of other people have tested them too, but please note that I cannot be held responsible for the use of, or inability to use, these files. ---------------------------IMPORTANT - SEE ABOVE------------------------------ BACKGROUND You step through the teleport. A moment of disorientation, then you find yourself standing in the middle of what looks like a small, deserted town. The afternoon sunlight is warm on your face, and a gentle breeze rustles the fallen leaves on the grass nearby. The communicator begins bleeping in your pocket. Diaz wants you. You power it up and tune to her frequency. "Hello, Major, this is Colonel Diaz. Are you reading my signal?" "Loud and clear, Colonel. What can I do for you?" "You have already done it. The hold on the fleet has been broken and we are currently clearing Earth's gravitational field. The mission has been a complete success." Diaz affords you a smile that is almost as warm as the day. "No problem, Colonel. Can you tell me where I am?" "Sorry, Major, but we are unable to track your position in the caves beneath the base because you are so far underground, and even slight seismic activity renders our motion trackers useless. We do not even seem to be able to get a fix on your communicator signal, even though we are running a concentrated scan to search for you within a ten kilometer radius of the bunker." "I'm not under the base, I'm above ground. I don't know where. Widen your scan." Diaz's smile vanishes in an instant. She begins barking orders at someone that you can't see. "Ensign Hardy, widen our scanning radius to maximum and get me a fix on that communicator signal. As soon as you have a location begin scanning the surrounding area. I want a full situation report, and I want it NOW." She turns her attention back to you. "Major, we were not aware that you had left the base. How did you reach your current position?" "A large demon was guarding a teleport pad deep in the caves beneath the base. I had cleared the caves and my protective suit was fading fast. There was no way back, so I used the teleport to get out." "Could any of the demons have used the teleport before you? Is it possible that the large demon was acting as a rear-guard, slowing you down while other demons escaped to your present location?" Your gun moves reflexively into your hand. "I'm not sure. There was no sign of anything before I left, and it seems peaceful enough here..." Ensign Hardy cuts in. "Excuse me, Colonel, I have an exact location confirmed: 1.4 kilometers west of New Mexico PDB. No other life forms present. I have one small moving object registering on the motion-trackers. It is currently 0.6 kilometers from the Major's position and is moving closer." "Are you reading this, Major? One small target, approaching your location as we speak." "Understood. What is New Mexico PDB?" "Planetary Defence Battery, a large energy weapon designed to defend against planetary bombardment or large meteor strikes. Can you see it from where you are?" You look east just in time to see a blinding flash of light. A pulse of pure energy streaks into the sky. "Colonel, it just fired at something!" The communicator screen is blank. "Diaz, come in! Are you still reading me? Colonel! Are you okay?" The screen comes back on. The picture is lousy but you can see Diaz's face, bathed in the even red glow of a starship's emergency lights. Blood trickles from a cut on her forehead and runs slowly down her cheek. "Diaz, are you alright?" "Shaken, Major, but not stirred. New Mexico PDB just fired on this ship. I think that we can now reasonably assume that some of the demons used the teleport before you did. Hold this channel for a moment." She turns away from you slightly. "Ensign Hardy, damage report please." Hardy's voice is nowhere near as calm as Diaz's. "Shields were not raised when we were hit, Colonel. We've lost 46% hull integrity, with most of the damage being to the aft of the ship. The starboard engine has been destroyed and the port engine is currently off-line. Engineering is working on it, but at the moment we are dead in space." "Can we raise our shields?" "Negative, Colonel. The reactor has been badly damaged. All available power is being redirected to vital systems such as life support." "What about sensors? Can we scan the PDB?" "Aft sensors have been totally destroyed, and we can't manoeuvre to bring fore sensor array to bear on the target." "Which ship in the fleet is nearest to us?" "The 'Conqueror' is somewhere ahead of us. I can't give you an exact distance at this time, Colonel." "Very well. Establish a communications link to the 'Conqueror', have them scan the PDB and feed the data back to us in real-time. I want to know what is happening down there. Major, are you still there?" "Right here, Colonel." "It looks as if the mission is not quite finished yet. Most of the fleet is likely to escape, but we are crippled, a sitting duck for them to shoot at. Ensign Hardy, can we take another hit from the PDB?" "Negative, Colonel. The next shot will destroy us. I have the data feed from the 'Conqueror' in place now. New Mexico PDB is recharging for another strike. I can't give you any indication of time or target." "Keep working on it. Major, start moving towards the PDB immediately. Running would be preferable to walking. When you arrive, seek and destroy all hostiles as quickly as possible. Depending on how long it takes you I may be available to congratulate you afterwards." "On my way, Colonel. And I'll run all the way." "Thank you, Major. Good luck." She manages a final smile, blood dripping from her chin. "Diaz out." You flip the communicator closed and stow it away. There is no sign of the PDB to the east, but most of the weapon would be underground. At that moment a single zombie soldier rounds the nearest building and begins moving towards you. Bad timing, pal. Very bad timing indeed.... CONTACTING THE AUTHOR If you want to write to me about ASDOOM][ (or anything else interesting) I'd love to hear from you. If you have access to comms post a message to Andy Sheppard in the DOOM echo of Fidonet (it should find me) or e-mail me at the address below. I try to reply to EVERY message, so if I don't reply to you it means that I haven't received your marvellous missive! Send it again. As an absolute last resort you can contact me via snail-mail at: Andy Sheppard 89 Gordon Road Corringham Stanford-le-hope Essex SS17 7QZ England. I don't actually live there (so keep it clean please) but I'll get your mail eventually! KNOWN PROBLEMS WITH ASDOOM][ These levels need a fairly powerful machine to get the very best from them - 486DX and 8Mb RAM recommended, but it'll run on less. If your PC is struggling a bit please either reduce the size of the playing window (by pressing "-") or decrease the detail level (by pressing "F5"). ASD2_PT1 contains no problems that I am aware of. ASD2_PT2 contains the following two known bugs: Only three Deathmatch start points on MAP04. No Deathmatch start points on MAP06. Fixes for each of these have been implemented in ASDOOM2.ZIP. If you encounter a problem please let me know. I'll try to fix it ASAP. Enjoy these levels. I certainly enjoyed creating them. I am not intending to do any more ASDOOM (but you never know...). ;)