__ #1GASPRA.ZIP DOOM PWAD file __ E1M1 for the registered version of DOOM ======================================= Very nice level, especially good for deathmatch :) This is worthy of being in the actual game. Much detail and thought put into it's design. ======================================= E-mail: Sean.Birkel@imagebbs.com This is my 7th released level, and I feel that it is one of my best. This isn't a very large level, but detail is everywhere. I put more detail into this baby than id put into any level in DOOM. I'm a perfectionist, so everything I do must be just so or I'll go insane (FYI). Ok, if you are a WAD editor...then you'll be shell shocked when you see the level :) Most DOOM PWADs suck really bad and seem to have been made by a 5 year old with some crayons (no offense if you're one of 'em...you know who you are :), but I on the other hand take time to design levels that are really cool and look professional. So, try this fucker out and see what you think. It's a _very_ fun deathmatch level...my friends and I have played it a lot the past week or so...and hopefully it will continue :) "BTW," I do have a life...sorda. I try to part from DOOM and socialize with non-DOOMers just so I can pretend I'm not obsessed, but...who am I kidding? The game is just so much fun/funny. Oh, yeah...you can blast you're friends/enemies out all of the windows in the level...I've made them low enough to be good for that sorda thing ---> this is when the game gets funny :) Have fun! FYI ----> Here's a list of the zip files that contain my levels... === 1) KAMAKAZI.ZIP - first real level...kinda messy, but very big. * 2) HANGAR18.ZIP - deathmatch only level for DOOM2...very good, my first level that I considered "id" quality. * 3) SHADOWS2.ZIP - Very large and complex. This is my most original level. 4) #1IMPALE.ZIP - This is a very detailed level, but small. I like it because it's the only really nice level that took me less than 2 weeks...it's still very well detailed and mucho complexo. 5) #1TITAN.ZIP - This level is, by far, my largest, most complex and most detailed level. I believe it's like 318 sectors or so ----> as large as E2M7. This will blow your mind without a doubt. 6) #1CREEP.ZIP - "Creeping Death" - Metallica song. Small deathmatch level. Detailed nicely with fast action. I haven't zipped this yet...it should be on the net/BBS when I get around to it... 7) #1GASPRA.ZIP - This obviously. * - two different zip names; the # may come before the name. I've seen levels with the same name, but trust me...they don't compare. If you get a level with a name close to those and it sucks...it ain't mine :) Another level to try is MATRIX.ZIP. This was made by a chum (just watched Monty Python last week...) of mine for DOOM2. It's fucking huge! Over 320 sectors!!!! ...and he did it on a 386 without a math-co! Anyways, it's very complex and well detailed...a must see! I've made all my levels with DEU521GC exclusively (yeah, that word makes me feel special...) with the exception of DEUII for converting "shadows" to "shadows2" (DOOM to DOOM2 respectively). BSP1.2x was my nodes builder of choice, and Metallica/Ozzy Osbourne kept me from losing my mind while making these things! Just in case you're curious...these were made on a 486DX2 80, good ol' non-department store brand (no offense to you Packard Smell owners), with 5Mb of RAM (better than 4, but I really need 8Mb!!!!). So, now you can laugh if you have a Pentium 100, like certain people I know...you know who you are, George! For your information...I dislike those stupid WAD description forms that came with DEU very much so...that's why I have a large text file such as this. I'm not a formal person, so why would I want to use a set form? No pun intended. So, that's about all I have to babble about at present............. oh, yeah...my name and shit like that. Sean Birkel, from Bangor, Me. Yup, it may be summer now...but Jack Frost is on his way :( Have fun with the level. Show all your friends. Show your parents... scratch that idea... Ok, here's a disclaimer: I didn't do it. You know who the DOOM logo belongs to (id software for you less educated...), etc...so I won't bother spelling it out for ya... Register DOOM if you haven't already done so, the guys at id deserve the money for making such a great game! Support NASA, please. They're gonna take us where no man's gone before, and back with a little luck... Zakk Wylde is the greatest guitarist who ever lived...Jimi's the exception, for other reasons. Look for a band by the name of Cringe in the near future...they are gonna rock ya, and hopefully get rich too [no, I'm not part of it :( ]. Buh-bye. See you a little later, rubba neck ----> Jerky Boys... One last thing before I shut up...I'd like to be in that International DOOM competition...but never got around to it...I'd win without a doubt :) BYE!