Title : Under The City Author : Mark Matheson Email : 100067,1304 Description : You've wiped clean the city, but you realise there's more awaiting down below. You climb down the nearest drain and find the door into the sewers. Carefully you open the door and go through. They haven't noticed you yet. Time to kick ass... Credits to : id Software for the obvious The guys who made DEU The guys who made Doomed - The Real Thing The guys who made DoomCAD The guys who made Doom Construction Kit The guys who made BSP and BSPW Finally thanks to Nigel Rowand and my brother Liam for testing it for me. -- PLAY INFO -- Level : E2M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative : Yes (2-4 Players Untested) Deathmatch : Yes (2-4 Players Untested) Difficulty : All Options Available -- OTHER INFO -- Loading : Put UNDER.WAD in your DOOM directory and type DOOM -FILE UNDER.WAD Select THE SHORES OF HELL and your preferred level to play Distribution : Doomers / Publishers and anyone else may distribute or modify this level as much as they want. I did this level for fun, and you can too. Bugs Fixed : I fixed a couple of hall of mirrors, I dont think there are any more errors...Tell me if there are. Items altered : I have replaced one set of stairs with a lift, altered some textures and put in a wall at the top of the NUKAGE stairs. MDM