Doom Episode 1 Map 2 Edited By Dan Cormack This was created by using the Renegade Doom Editor v9a(registered). My options were limited but, as you shall see, I have created a new feel to an old place. This will be a particularly good place for some Death Match action. On Monday March 14 the newer version of the Renegade Doom Editor is supposed to be released which will feature Transporters, Crushing Ceilings, 'Smarter' monsters...(you'll see what I mean).. Once I receive this I will upgrade this map to integrate the new features. This will be released as DE1M2_2.ZIP I look forward to more challenging levels... To run this you must include the following in your command line... -FILE E1M2 ie.. DOOM -FILE E1M2 -DEATHMATCH etc. DOOM -FLIE E1M2 You get the idea. This will NOT permanently modify the DOOM.WAD file, it only replaces the specific level in memory. The Story.. Having kicked Ass in Hell you are given a hero's welcome back. You were the only one to return from that hellish Inferno. You are given extended shore leave on the Cleavose Pleasure Planet. You suffer no ill effects other than an annoying tendancy to feel that itchy trigger finger twitch when you hear someone snuffling from a cold (an Imp? you wonder) A few weeks of unabashed fun later you receive an urgent call over the GalacticNet.. There's trouble back in the old Nuke area. You are the only hope to stop this new mennace.. Apparently some thugs moved into the area and took it over. Weak alliances have been formed with some of the ghouls you left for dead. They have a score to settle with you and you lust for the action.. Apparently there is a new enemy running around in there, Some marine who sold out to the enemy. (You'll recognize him when you see him.. Looks like you but with a different colour of uniform..) He'll be there for a DEATHMATCH (hint) to the end with you.. Gladly you return...Eager for blood and revenge.. GET SOME!