Doom External Wad File: Megalab.wad Author: Casey Miller E-mail: (valid address till 5/6/94) Organization: Washington State University After too many hours I have finally completed my second complete external wad file for use with the registered version of Doom. Megalab replaces level four of episode two. Both levels contain multi-player and deathmatch starting points, and skill level options. Megalab was completed with Deu 4 beta, then the new Deu 5, and nodes built with BSP v1.1 beta. I can almost garauntee there will be no clipping. I must give credit to the new Deu 5 for its auto texture align feature as Megalab would not have been released this soon. For those who enjoyed Megawatt, my new Megalab level should be equally enjoyable if not more. Neither level abuses the player by adding too many monsters so you should find both reasonable to play. I hope you enjoy and would appreciate any feedback at the above internet e-mail address. I will graduate after the 6th so my e-mail address will no longer be valid, so don't bother sending me mail after that date. I will hopefully get a new account in my home town within a few weeks afterwards. Good luck on your kills, C. Miller Babylon 5 Rules!