M Y S T E R Y BY LARRY PERRY This is a first in a series of WAD files for Doom ][. The WAD was created using WADED written by Matthew Ayres. Each level is a little different (harder!). I've included a MYSTERY.LMP file so you can see that it is playable. I'm not going to show you how to beat level 4, because that would take the fun out of it. Besides, if you can't play Doom without cheating, you're no good anyway. I haven't played this in Deathmatch or multi-player moded, but it is set up for it. If you have Doom ][ but not Doom I, and you would like to play the Doom I WADs, get my program, WADMOD10.ZIP. It is available on most BBS's. WADMOD will convert Doom I WADs so they will run with Doom ][. If you can't find it, call the LITHIUM BBS at 1-510-455-0425 and download WADMOD10.ZIP. To play mystery, unzip everything into your Doom ][ directory and type mystery . The mystery BAT file will do everything for you. If you want to see the demo, type demo and the demo will play. You are not to include this WAD with any group of WADs, or modify it in any way for distribution unless you contact me first. Hope you have as much fun playing mystery as I did making it! Keep on Doom'n. Larry Perry P.O. Box 293361 Lewisville, Tx. 75067