Licence for unregistrated shareware: Care4Win Shareware, including the files belonging to it, is shareware. This means this program may be freely distributed as long as there are no files added to or removed from the original file package. Any and all file modifications are strictly prohibited. Care4Win Shareware is the property of H- P Kohnle, 78224 Singen, Germany. You are granted a limited license to use this software for evaluation purposes (maximum 30 days). If you wish to continue using Care4Win Shareware after evaluation, you must register your copy. Care4Win Shareware may not be used on a continuous basis in any location (home, business, school or governmental agency) without registering. Care4Win Shareware has some restrictions which make more difficult using it. These are: 1. The program contains several sharewarehints. 2. After 5 savings you will get additional sharewarehints. 3. After 10 savings you are only able to print the registration- form. The registrated version does not contain any of these restrictions. The author makes NO warranties, expressed or implied, as to the quality or performance of this program. The author will NOT be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damage resulting from the use of this program. Your use of this program constitutes your agreement to this disclaimer and your release of the author from any form of liability or litigation. Questions and critics please send to following address: Hans- Peter Kohnle 78224 Singen Schaffhauserstr.63 G E R M A N Y Many thanks for your interest and allways a proper Windows. The author Hans- Peter Kohnle