READ ME Welcome to the Oxford Children's Encyclopedia on CD-ROM. The minimum sepcification to run this demonstration is MPC2 with 8 Mb of free RAM (486 or better CPU running at no less than 33MHz) A monitor display capable of at least 640x480 and set to display at least 256 colours Double speed CD-ROM drive (4x recommended) Sound card Headphones or speakers Mouse Windows 3.1 , 3.11 , Windows 95 GETTING READY FOR THE DEMONSTRATION DISC If you are running this application on Windows 3.1 or 3.11 and do not have Video For Windows installed you will need to do so. This is included on the disc. If you do not know whether you have video for windows, it is best to follow the installation procedure. To install open the folder VFW and then double click on the setup.exe icon. SETTING YOUR MONITOR You should set your monitor to 640x480 in the control panels with at least 256 colours. To run the demonstration double click on the icon called OUPDEMO.EXE A splash screen with music will stay up until you click on it which will then take you into the encyclopedia with 8 active headwords beginning with butterflies. Butterflies Dance Greenhouse Effect Insects Mandela, Nelson Nuclear Power Normans Oasis These are the only headwords that appear in this demonstration and they have all their media elements of animations, text, graphics, pictures and sound in place (excluding OASIS whose video will appear in the final product). All of the Encyclopedia's other headwords appear in the index and in the letter tabs at the top of the screen and, where applicable, in the See Also menus of the featured eight articles. However none of these are functional in this demonstration. FINDING YOUR WAY AROUND Any window that is brought up in this application can be cancelled by clicking outside it or using the Cancel button if featured. The menus work with a single mouse click. SEARCH Click in the text entry box and type in the whole or part of the eight headwords and then hit the find button, you will be presented with a results window. By highlighting with your mouse the headword you wish to go to and then hitting the go to button you will be taken to the article. Do not press the RETURN key on your keyboard to execute the command. This will be possible in the final product but has not been implemented in this demonstration. Typing in 'Wings' will give the result Insects and Butterflies, demonstrating the full functionality of the final product. The more sophisticated search elements are not in place although graphically represented. For example, ticking or crossing the media or subject boxes will have no effect on the search. INDEX TAB Typing the headword in the text box will move that word to the top of the list. To go to that article you need to highlight the word and click go find. Typing in non-featured words will also adjust the list, but putting words other than the eight featured headwords is likely to upset the control of this function. LETTER TAB Only featured article letters will highlight and be functional if you roll over them. One click will take you to the first available article of that letter and a second click will show you the full list of what will be available for that letter in the final product. NEXT/PREVIOUS Clicking on these will take you to the next or previous article in sequence of the eight featured. SEE ALSO Clicking on the eye icon in the top right corner gives a see also list. This demo shows this function in Greenhouse Effect (Nuclear Power can be accessed) and for Butterflies and Insects. SUBHEADS To the right of the headword is a triangle which if clicked will bring up list of subheads. Clicking on the subhead will take you to that section of the article. BACKTRACK One short click will take you back to where you have just been. If you hold on the mouse button you will be given a list of the most recently visited articles which can be accessed. BOOKMARK You cannot alter the text of the title 'Science Project' in the bookmark. One click on the icon will put the article in the list and place a red border around the article. It can be removed by using the delete button. Non-functional buttons will give error sounds. DICTIONARY DEFINITION In the Nuclear Power article there is an example of how the encyclopedia will provide dictionary definitions for most words. A single click on the first appearance of the word 'nuclear' will give a menu and selecting the definition will bring up a moveable window carrying the meaning of the word. Clicking outside this window will close it. HYPERTEXT LINKS There will be many more of these in the final product, but in this demonstration the red words 'insects' in the Butterflies article, 'butterflies' in the Insect article and 'nuclear power' in the Greenhouse Effect article will take you to those articles. VIDEOS/ ANIMATION Use the play button to start the videos/animations. A single click anywhere on the screen will stop them. A further click will return them to their starting points. SOUND Clicking on the sound icon in the Nelson Mandela article will bring up the playbar from which you can activate the sound-bite. Clicking outside the window will stop the sound. Features that are unavailable in this demonstration, but that will be in place in the final product, are signalled by error sounds, text messages, or dialogue boxes. For further information please contact Oxford University Press Electronic Publishing Walton Street Oxford OX2 6DP UK This product is copyright (c) 1995 Oxford University Press and the MultiMedia Corporation.