CASTAWAY Mission Manual Contents Section 1: GETTING STARTED 1.0 Installation 1.1 Memory 1.2 Menu Options 1.3 Keyboard & Mouse Commands 1.4 Sound Section 2: THE MISSION 2.0 Your Mission Goals 2.1 Color Keys & Level Connections 2.2 Weapons 2.3 Special Items 2.4 Text Messages Section 3: DEVELOPER'S NOTES 3.0 Demo Version 3.1 Registered Version 3.2 Your Story Continues 3.3 Register Section 4: ORDERING INFO SECTION 1 - GETTING STARTED 1.0 Installation The game files have been compresed with PKZIP. The file PKUNZIP.EXE has been included on your game disks. For the Demo Version, you will have to obtain a copy of PKZIP yourself. From your hard drive DOS prompt, type: md castaway cd castaway Then copy the file PKUNZIP.EXE to your new directory. Place game 1 in your diskette drive a: Then type: cd.. c: (Your hard drive) cd.. castaway Then type: pkunzip -d a:\ This entire sequence above will both create a directory named CASTAWAY and decompress the game files into your directory. BE CERTAIN TO USE THE -d SWITCH WHEN USING PKUNZIP. IF NOT, YOUR FILES WILL NOT BE DECOMPRESSED PROPERLY. If this happens, you will get Critical Error #188, and you will have to unzip the files again with the -d option. 1.1 Memory You will probably need to create a very clean boot disk to load and run the game. 1.2 Menu Options CASTAWAY'S menu options are: - START New Game - LOAD Saved Game - RESUME Game In Progress - SAVE Game In Progress - SOUND On/Off (If sound is OFF, music will be OFF) - MUSIC On/Off - MOUSE Control On/Off - JOYSTICK Control On/Off - EXIT TO DOS When the game first loads, and the opening animations have played, the Menu will appear. It will take a few seconds before it is activated. Using your Arrow Keys on your keyboard, make your selections. When the buttons are RED, the option is OFF. When the buttons are green, they are ON. The Sound, Music, Mouse and Joystick buttons each have two indicator lights. When a selection is OFF, the RED light will be on. When the selection is off, the GREEN light will be on. 1.3 Keyboard & Mouse Commands Keyboard: FIRE WEAPON........................Spacebar or alt or cntl keys MOVE FORWARD.......................Keypad Up Arrow MOVE BACKWARD......................Keypad Down Arrow TURN LEFT..........................Keypad Left Arrow TURN RIGHT.........................Keypad Right Arrow FORWARD & TURN LEFT................Keypad 7 FORWARD & TURN RIGHT...............Keypad 9 STRAFE LEFT....................... Keypad 1 STRAFE RIGHT...................... Keypad 3 BACKWARD.......................... Keypad 5 HOLD DOWN, RELEASE TO JUMP........ Keypad 0 DETONATE PLANTED BOMB............. B Key PICK UP OBJECT/READ MEMO.......... I Key or cntl SELECT OBJECT TO DISCARD.......... S Key (Game Pauses) ZOOM IN RADAR..................... Z key ZOOM OUT RADAR.................... X Key KEYBOARD COMMANDS KEY SCREEN...... F1 Key (Game Pauses) NINJA KICK........................ 1 Key SHOTGUN........................... 7 Key GRENADE........................... 3 Key PAUSE GAME........................ P Key Mouse: FIRE WEAPON....................... Left Button MOVE FORWARD...................... Right Button 1.4 Sound The program will automatically detect if your card is compatible with Sound- Blaster. If not, there will be no sound or music. If the SOUND option is turned off on the Menu, there will be no music either. If the MUSIC option is turned off on the Menu, SOUND is still available. SECTION 2 - THE MISSION 2.0 Your Mission Goals The Slrrian War has not gone well. The Terran Stellar Union was unprepared for the Slrrian assault. Many worlds, once terraformed into lush gardens and busy cities have been either occupied or annihilated altogether. The Slrrians began to clone many of the captured human prisoners in an effort to increase their number. (A typical Slrrian has only one offspring). The human clones are used to conquer Terran worlds where the Slrrians themselves would suffo- cate. The scoutship USS Intrepid was sent into the Slrrian controlled frontier to obtain crucial data on the whereabouts and strengths of enemy bases and out- posts. You are a highly-trained stealth spyship pilot, whose job it is to launch from the scout ship and when in orbit, obtain the needed data. Crashing on an enemy-occupied world is a part of the risk. For that reason, your train- ing included detailed study of enemy technology, tactics and installation design, as well as survival techniques. If captured, your orders are to escape. If escape is not an option, your orders are to terminate your life before the enemy can interrogate you. Your planned mission has gone sour. You were only to orbit the planet Geta Prime, making sensor readings to determine if there is in fact a Slrrian outpost on the planet. But, while making your orbital insertion, your stabilizing thrusters began to fire erratically, throwing your small spy craft into wild gyrations. You succeeded in maintaining enough control to make a safe entry into the atmosphere, and a controlled crash landing on the surface. Your mothership, USS Intrepid (Scout Class) and it's fighter escort continued on to the nearest starbase. You have missed your rendezvous, and are stranded on the alien world. The damp, humid, alien jungle surrounds you. Your ship's sensors tell you that a extremely large artificial structure is nearby. It must be the Slrrian outpost. With your ship's communication's suite damaged from the landing, you're only hope is to get inside the outpost and somehow send a coded rescue signal. But first, you have to get through the jungle, past the enemy patrols, sonic land mines, and find a way inside. You're knowledge of Slrrian outposts will come in handy. Most enemy outposts can be entered from an underground access. You will have to work your way through the enemy-infested fortress to the Communi- cations Area. No doubt there will be numerous scurity measures in place to prevent such a penetration. You will be lucky to survive. VERY LUCKY. But the only other choice is to flee into the forbidding countryside and live off the land (if that's possible). Once you've sent the signal, you will have to make a fast exit, and head for the pick-up point, provided the signal will be heard. All you have on hand as weaponry are a few thermite and gas grenades, a crude shotgun with 150 rounds, your body armor and a first aid kit. Not much, but the enemy is sure to have more and better weapons within their fortress. And so, gather your supplies and open the cabin door into the unknown and deadly world that awaits you. Good luck. 2.1 COLOR KEYS & LEVEL CONNECTIONS Certain doors and force field barriers will need specific color-coded keys to be able to open them. Some keys will be relatively easy to obtain - others will require more effort and a lot of guts. Each level is connected via stair- ways or elevators in which travel between levels is open. Some elevators will require you to use a certain key. Others are freely available. As you prog- ress through the levels of the fortress, you will need to keep some of keys already picked-up while finding the new ones. Each level is interconnected with at least one other, usually more. So you can freely move between the levels, both forwards and backwards. If you dis- cover on one level, that you missed finding a certain key on the previous level, you can backtrack to that level and find it. 2.2 WEAPONS Because your job rarely requires the use of small arms in personal combat, your spy craft is outfitted with only the minimal supply of personal weaponry. As you progress through the fortress, you will be able to obtain more power- ful weapons to defeat the more powerful enemies. Here is a list of weapons available: - Standard Issue Shotgun (50 rounds) - Thermite Grenade - Gas Grenade - Remotely-Controlled Explosive Charge (bomb) - Rocket Launcher (1 rocket) - Electro-Thermal Envelopment Rifle; "ETER" (also known affectionately as the "Goo Gun") The demo version does not include the "Goo Gun". The Slrrians have outfitted their installations with unique and deadly security devices and sentry robots to keep soldiers like you from doing what you're about to BEWARE. 2.2 SPECIAL ITEMS There are other supplies that you will have available to you: - Body armor - First-aid packs - Radar-mapping device (Registered version only) 2.3 TEXT MESSAGES Every now and then you will see a view screen that will relay a message to you. They will tell you where you have to go, what item you need and/or what dangers lurk nearby. Of course, these messages were never meant for your eyes, but they will help you get to where your going and occasionally keep you from doing something stupid. The text message will flash onto your screen and pause the game until you hit a key and/or move away from the screen. SECTION 3 - DEVELOPER'S NOTES 3.0 Demo Version The demo version is a short version of the game and some of the elevators will not function either. Those are the only differences between it and the regi- stered version. You will have 6 levels to get through and upon entering a certain high-security area, the game will end. This demo is shareware and you can freely distribute it. 3.1 Registered Version The registered version has more levels, more and meaner bad guys, more unique weaponry and more security traps for you to get through. Ultimately, you will succeed at finding the Communications Area, but your mission doesn't end there... 3.2 Your Story Continues ...maybe you've heard the saying, "I'd rather be lucky than good"? Well, it really applies to you! If this sounds cryptic, well, you'll just have to register and find out for yourself what I mean. To put it another way, this game is just the begining of TERROR! The Slrrians will make their appearence, and your skills at survival and combat will be sorely tested! 3.3 Register Putting this kind of game together is a big project, requiring alot of time, effort and money. I didn't make it for myself, I made it for everyone else. That being so, I would appreciate a little something in return. Not only will I be rewarded for my efforts at entertaining you, but you will be rewarded by having a hell of a good time. AND... if you register, I will be glad to send you a discounted copy of the next game in this story "THE CHAINS OF FEAR"! If you register, I will also give you my sincere thanks. SECTION 4 - ORDERING INFO Please print-out this form (or make your own), fill it in and mail it with your check for the paltry sum of $15.00 (this price incl. S&H) to the address below. I will send the complete game disks to you immediately. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- NAME (Last)___________________________(First)_____________________________ MAILING ADDRESS__________________________________________APT#_____________ CITY____________________________STATE____________ ZIP CODE________________ HOW MANY COPIES DO YOU WANT?_______ E-MAIL ADDRESS_______________________ TOTAL COST $__________ (REMEMBER, THE PRICE OF $15.00 INCL. SHIPPING & HANDLING) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send your check (payable to) or cash to : JOHN GALLION PO BOX 532 LOCKPORT, IL 60441