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Acorn User CD 2

Welcome to the second Acorn User CD-ROM. You might wonder why we call it the second when it's the third that's been on the cover of Acorn User? Well the second one on the cover was created for Acorn Computers itself, so this is the second one of our very own.

The documentation on this disc is all written using HTML, and so should be readable by Web browsers on all platforms. Most of the actual software is only usable on Acorn's RISC OS computers on the CD-ROM is archived. The archives can be read on an Acorn by a combination of ArcFS and SparkPlug in the Resources directory; if one program has trouble reading the file the other will usually manage. Most of the archives aren't easily readable on other platforms, but then you can't run the programs, either.

You don't have to use these HTML pages to access the archives and files, you can just open/load them via the standard Filer windows.

You may find that some of the links won't work, this is because they are accesses directly to the World Wide Web on the Internet. These links will work if you are online to an Internet Service Provider.


There's a special directory which contains useful system resources, some of which are PD or Shareware, some of which is from Acorn themselves and distributed with their permission.


We'd like to acknowledge all the help the individual contributors to this CD have given but special recognition goes to:

Dave Matthewman
Ex-Editor of Acorn User and now Webmaster for Xara Networks for giving up his time to start putting together this CD and getting over all the initial hardware hurdles.

Technology Matrix
For being able to supply us with a working SCSI interface and delivering it next day.

[Browsers] [Commercial] [Freeware] [-Games-] [Internet] [Magazine] [-Movies-] [Pictures] [Programming] [Shareware]

Copyright © Acorn User 1996