The Front DOOM! ver 1.2 DOOMED to be the BEST Front End for DOOM(tm)! >-------------------------------------------------------------< Contents: I. Legal Info II. Introduction III. Installation IV. How to Use V. Future Enhancements I. Legal Info -------------- ** DOOM is a trademark of id Software. ** The Front DOOM! is no way associated with id Software. ** The Front DOOM! was written and is distributed by CDY Publishing. ** Id Software can and will not provide any support for The Front DOOM! ** Id Software can and will not provide support for ANY file that The Front DOOM! is able to make DOOM load. ** The author of The Front DOOM! is not liable for damage caused by the use or mis-use of The Front DOOM! II. Introduction ----------------- Just what is this The Front DOOM! Well, do you have a lot of add on WAD (or rather PWAD) files. You know how it is, you have to type in those long command lines in order to play. Okay, once your passed that, the game is loaded and your at the first level, only it's the normal one. Not the add-on you expected. Well, off to search the episodes and levels for the modified game. Sounds like a lot of work, doesn't it. The Front DOOM! changes all of that for you. The Front DOOM! is an front end for DOOM. The Front DOOM! allows you to choose the PWAD file to load, which level to start at, and then run DOOM. III. Installation ----------------- The Front DOOM! requires no special directory or drive. You may put it in any directory you like. The only requirement is that you also place the INI file in the same directory. The FRNTDOOM.ZIP file should contain at minimum the following files: README.TXT - This file. FRNTDOOM.EXE - The Front DOOM! program file. FRNTDOOM.INI - The Front DOOM! configuration file. FRNTDOOM.WAD - An Add-on Wad File brought to you by CDY Publishing!!!! *** A suggested installation: Make a directory for all of you PWAD files. Make a directory for The Front DOOM! Copy the PWAD files to the new PWAD directory and Copy FRNTDOOM.* to The Front DOOM! directory. ie: C: MD\WADS Change to the DOOM Directory. (CD\DOOM) REN DOOM.WAD DOOM.BAK ** This is so the DOOM.WAD won't be moved ** MOVE *.WAD C:\WADS (COPY *.WAD C:\WADS\[enter] DEL *.WAD[enter] - for DOS 5 and below) REN DOOM.BAK DOOM.WAD CD\ MD FRNTDOOM COPY FRNTDOOM.* C:\FRNTDOOM\ (If FRNTDOOM.WAD is included in the compression file, place it in your wad directory.) YOUR DONE! Once you have everything in place, you must edit the FRNTDOOM.INI file so that it reflects the proper directories. NOTE: (A % symbol is used to remark out lines.) ie: DoomDir=C:\DOOM or DOOMDIR = C:\GAMES\DOOM AddOnDir=C:\WADS IV. How to Use --------------- The program itself if very simple to use. The mouse or the keyboard can be used to navigate the options. KEYBOARD COMMANDS: Up Arrow - File selection bar up one. Down Arrow - File selection bar down one. PgUp - File selection bar up one page. PgDown - File selection bar down one page. Home - File selection bar to the first entry. End - File selection bar to the last entry. E or e - Selects the Episode to play. L or l - Selects the Level to play. S or s - Selects the Skill Level to play. G or g - Selects a Saved Game. (Be Sure to either select the correct WAD file or choose No Add-Ons otherwise DOOM will CRASH...) ? - Show's the PWAD's edited level. ESC - Exits The Front DOOM! ENTER - Plays the Highlighted file, at the selected episode, level, and skill. MOUSE COMMANDS: The mouse works like most other programs except for these differences: Use the Right Mouse Button(RMB) on the up/down arrows to scroll one page up or down. Click the RMB on the highlighted file to see the PWAD's edited level. Once you are done playing DOOM, you will return to The Front DOOM! to fight another battle! V. Future Enhancements ----------------------- All future enhancements will be based on user response and support. Some ideas in the works are: Serial support, save game editing, editor program launching, and much more. If you would like to support this software, please send any contribution to: CDY Publishing 10005 Ridgeview Drive Oklahoma City, OK 73120 * A suggested amount of $10.00 will entitle you to future upgrades and unlimited support. Comments and Suggestions are always welcome and should be directed only to the address above. Please do not contact id Software for support of this program. ** If you have not registered DOOM, please do so first. **