***************************** FOREST.WAD ****************************** FOREST.WAD is a modified episode for DOOM. It includes 5 seperate missions (maps) with new graphics and new music. It is set in a forest valley somwhere in Canada and has 'graphitit' on some walls. ************************************************************************ To use this new episode, simply type FOREST at the DOS prompt ************************************************************************ If you have any questions about this PWAD, don't hesitate to get in touch with me at az589@freenet.carleton.ca or (613)791-0785. Jean-Serge Gagnon ************************************************************************ ================================================================ Title : FOREST.WAD ver 3.0 Author : Jean-Serge Gagnon Email Address : az589@freenet.carleton.ca Misc. Author Info : I am a computer service technician. Version Info : With ver 3.0, I added a preview level taken from my upcomming OTTAWAU.WAD. It is E2M5, take a look at it! Description : Forest is a five mission PWAD with new graphics. Look at the sky and watch for 'graphiti' on some walls. Additional Credits to : Peter Naus (petern@hparc8.aus.hp.com) and Daniel J. Deighan (djdst22+@pitt.edu). As everybody else is stating, a big hand to ID for giving us such a great game, and of course, thanks to: Raphael Quintet & Brendon J Wyber for DEU 5.21, Per Allansson & Per Kofod for DEU 5.21 (GCC), Collin Reed for BSP 1.2x, L.W. Witek for REJECT 1.0, Bill Neisius for DMGRAPH 1.1, Jeff Miller for Wad Tools 1.0 and the author of WadMaster ver 1.0 How to use this PWAD : Simply type FOREST at the DOS prompt. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E2M1, M2, M3, M4 & M5. (M5:preview of OttawaU.WAD) Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New demos : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch Build Time : Many weeks of hard work! Editor(s) used : DEU 5.21, BSP 1.1x and REJECT 1.0 * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: infant2.sphs.indiana.edu in /pub/doom/wads/d-f gaaj.cosmos.uottawa.ca in /public/doom bear.montefiore.ulg.ac.be in /pub/doom/wads/episode2 ftp.cdrom.com in /pub/doom/wads/d-f Until it is moved to the proper directory (except for gaaj), look for the file FOREST??.ZIP in the incoming directories. BBS: Game Palace bbs (305)587-4258 with over 1,000 Wads & 200+megs of DOOM online including 9 different DOOM conferences! More DOOM files daily. For the newest version of the FOREST valley PWAD, and other PWADS by me, check the official DOOM FTP site, infant2.sphs.indiana.edu or my personal PC; gaaj.cosmos.uottawa.ca (while it's on the net) or Game Palace BBS (305)587-4258 =========================================================================== ======================================================================= Read the next section only if you are having trouble with the missions! ======================================================================= DOOM's FOREST.WAD tips * Spoiler lines * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Still a few more spoiler lines * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Almost there! * * * * * * * * * * * * Are you sure you want to read this?! * * * * * * Mission 1: 1- I can't get the blue key! Go to the first door on the right in the corridor towards the exit (where the red key is), there's a secret door that get's you outside. 2- I can't get to the acid area! That surprises me! Walk in the corridor towards the exit. When you hear a door open, turn around and go through the door. 3- I can't get all the secrets! Get the computer map in the acid area where there's a litle triangular area. 4- I still can't get to the secret area where the red acid is! You have to press the switch where you can see outside and where the green armour is. 5- I can't get to the secret area behind the door with graphiti! Go to the secret in the blue room. Press the button behind the computer console (right where the light gogles were) and run towards the red acid. Mission 2: 1- I can't get the red key or I can't go past the tall door near the begining! You have to press the button outside to open the door and then get to the red key by going through the acid. 2- I can't get all the secrets! Get the computer map in the corridor towards the stairs. 3- I still can't get all the secrets! Some of the secrets only apear once you've walked over to an area. When you get the red key, don't jump out of the window, go back to where you came from. Mission 3: 1- I can't get the blur sphere! Watch the demo! 2- I don't feel like it! OK! Get on top of the table and run to the counter where the window is, don't forget, you need to press the SHIFT key to run. 3- I can't find all the secrets! Get the computer map upstairs in the second room to the right. 4- I can't get the BFG9000! When you go outside, as you exit the little corridor, run towards the BFG9000. It can be done, I've done it! Mission 4: 1- I can't get the soul sphere! Get on the ledge and jump to it. (watch the demo!) 2- Where's the exit? Just don't fall in any holes! :-) 3- How do you get to the exit in the red window? You need to jump in the hole and press the switch that you see while the floor is rising and quickly get back on the rising floor. Save before trying! 4- I can't get all the secrets! Get the computer map. 5- I can't find the computer map! Huh! Go to the wall marked poison on the lowest level and enter there. Mission 5: You're on your own for this one. Have fun. P.S. This is going to be the first mission in a new 9 episode PWAD by me. Look for OTTAWAxx.ZIP soon! Have fun!