Four new and absolutely original missions for DOOM, release July 2, 1994. +------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | The Graytest DOOM missions EVER! | | | | Try them, there are NONE LIKE THEM ANYWHERE! | | | | Even the WIZARDS OF id themselves will be amazed! | | | +------------------------------------------------------------+ First and foremost - all of our thanks and amazement to id and the creators of deu! You've all added about six months of shear enjoyment to our lives. And thanks to Morgana, SysOP Asst for CompuServe. GrayDOOM is brought to you by: GrayMatter Software Solutions 46 West Avon Road, Suite #2 Unionville, Connecticut 06085 (203) 673-8508 E-mail: Please send any correspondence, hard or soft. to me, pal! New WADs: SWAMP.WAD : Episode #2, Mission #1 IMPSKULL.WAD: Episode #2, Mission #2 BADWATER.WAD: Episode #2, Mission #3 GAUNTLET.WAD: Episode #2, Mission #4 Special Notes: 1. All secret areas have not been marked yet. Final touch that we haven't gotten around to yet. 2. Missions are set for "Hurt Me Plenty" severity level only, again, we were saving that for final touch-up. 3. The GAUNTLET kind of peters out because id would rather that we didn't sell these, as was our original intention. The last room of this mission is right where we were when Jay Wilbur expressed his, ah, concern. 4. You can't save (F2) The Swamp (E1M2); the machine will just freeze on you. Sorry, ...something 'bout that ol' swamp? To run GrayDOOM: 1. Make sure that you've copied the four wad files to your DOOM directory 2. Type GRAYDOOM and go ahead and hit any key when DOOM warns you that you aren't going to receive any technical support. "Technical" support you won't need. P.S.: Anyone else out there find out what a great combo listening to Nine Inch Nails and playing DOOM is? Geniuses, geniuses! The following is an excerpt from our manual. There are maps for the first three missions stored as BMP's, have a gander. THE SWAMP, E2 M1 1. A Dark Beginning Shit it's dark in here. A good set of dilated pupils can just make out a light source to the north... 2. The First Encounter Ya, okay, a few Troopers and a Sargeant or two. So what! They were easy kills as they drew single-file down the Dark Beginning after you. And they made for an early Shot Gun acquisition, too. 3. A Romp in the Nice Swamp The "Nice" Swamp? Is there any other kind? But what makes this one nice! Actually it looks pretty nasty. Unwary feet can easily step into gooey, unforgiving poison. And after only a few hesitant steps it becomes painfully obvious that there are Imps galore here. Seeing these brutal bastards through all of the overgrowth isn't easy. In fact, if it wasn't for their flaming balls (no wonder they're so pissy all the time), you'd probably never be able to even put a bead on them. Sure are using up a lot of shells blasting at shadows and weeds! Swamp, swamp, swamped with swamp. To be honest, this is getting to be a real pain in the shoulder. Up ahead, just past a warning post, is the Suffering Trees Marsh. Poor, innocent victims of an ill-fated planting. Maybe you can lighten their lives by clearing their area of those foul fiends. 4. Grounds Keeper's Shed What a quaint, little shed in the middle of all this plush, green slendor. Wonder if the Grounds Keeper is home. Maybe he could give you directions out of here. Let's knock on the door, after all, it never hurts to ask. 5. The Nasty Swamp Feeling warmed up? Many Imps have by now met their master, a Demon or thirteen, too, even a Baron. This swamping around isn't so tough. There's one more section of foul foliage to be cleared, though. 6. The Forgotten Fight Look at all of the dead bodies! Dead Sargeants by the dozens, the broken fragments of hundreds of Troopers, and worst of all, a sea of dead marines. What a disgusting specticle: marine blood freely pooling with that of the lowest beasts of DOOM. They must have fought bravely to have killed all of these venimous vermin, but for what, where were they going? Maybe they tried to breech that wall. You'd stay to bury your fallen comrades, and to burn the carcasses of their vanquished enemy, but there is no time for heavenly protocol now. There's a Great Wall ahead to the north... 7. The Great Wall Hmmmm, a double-skulled switch. It must do something; there must be a door somewhere. Hope all the bad guys are dead, cause you're low on ammunition. Your health is a little shaken, too. Click... 8. Baron's Look Out ...grind, snarl. Shit, looks like your mortified marine friends saved the worst for last, and you've got mop-up duty on aisle eleven. Well, a few Demons, a handful of Imps, no biggie. And what a nice building! Magestic stairway leading up to a nice, empty room. Seems like a nice place to freshen up after all of that swamping and killing and sloshing through pools of blood and guts and, and, where were we, ...oh ya... A quick survey of the foregrounds shows that there is a great, tall tower off to the right. And what's that in the tower? Something is moving up there. Hey, wait, isn't that a little green dot slowly approaching from the tower... WHAM! Yep, sure was, Baron's Breath. And look, here come more, lots more. There must be more than a few Barons up there. They're quick on the draw, they can cover a large area, and they are as accurate as, well, as Barons. After a few shots fired in frustration you realize that you can't seem to shoot high enough to reach them. And besides, that pathetic pistol/shot gun combination you're carrying just aint gonna cut the salami of a whole bushel of Barons. To the left and all the way down you'll find a few Lost Souls. You'll do the right thang and help them find their way, if your feeling DOOMish. 9. The Main Entrance The Grate Imp-Pass is to the right, and the Slab Salon is to the left. You'll need the Yellow Key for the Slab Salon, so off with you to the Grate Imp-Pass. 10. The Grate Imp-Pass Good, clean shootin' fun, for whoever sees whomever first! 11. The Night-Care Center Down the stairs and around back if your looking for the Yellow Key. Don't believe it's just sitting there unattended, though. 12. The Slab Salon No one really knows what the slabs are used for, maybe to spread out marines before filleting them. 13. The Caecademon Causeway A crushing experience for even the most experienced marine. As though leap frogging from pad to pad wasn't precarious enough, there are a few Caecademons in here that really don't want you to even try. 14. The Arena A simple little activity area used to pass the time away while the locals wait for fools like you. Don't forget that crushing ceilings (you just left one) can be used in your favor. 15. The Baron's Look Out (from within) Now's your chance to go at these ballistic bastards sight-to-sight, mono-a-mono. Well, actually, it'll be your mono against their many. Good luck cause this is your only way out. IMP'S SKULL, E2 M2 1. The Imp's Incisors It's love at first bite on this level. And the Imps here will love to get their first bite out of you as soon as you're re-intergrated. So shoot fast and shoot clean. There's a Shot Gun within your immediate grasp but not many shells to waste on wall divoting. One Imp dead, but another one escaped through the teleporter. From the far-off wooshing sound of other teleporters you can bet that he's gone to get some help. The teleporter, once you relinquish yourself to the blind faith that all will be well in the end, will bring you to the Second Incisor and, of course, more Imps. At least there's some real goodies here. 2. Cheek Chamber (left) Not too bad, after a dozen Imps, what's a few more gonna hurt. And look, a Computer Map already. Wonder why the Doom Meister delivered this so soon? Hmmm, two ways to turn. It's left to the Brainless Cavity, or it's right to the Cold and Empty Eye. 3. The Cold and Empty Eye It's cold alright, but it's certainly not empty. Good target practice here cause the bastards don't seem to want to leave their pedestals. Unfortunately, you make a good target too, having to be right in an open and narrow door in order to sight them. And if you back up too far, or get pelted back too many times before regaining precious ground, it's a one way trip down the Pit of No Return. 4. The Imp's Nose - Pit of No Return Don't "blow" the Imp's Nose cause you'll never, ever return if you do. There are alot of Radiation Suits down there, but they will only prolong your agony. If you shimmy around the edge of the Nose, there's a window on the north side where you can pick-off a few bad guys growling in the darkness of a neighboring room. The poor devils, no really, don't have much of a chance for returning the attack, but don't waste all of your ammunition here! 5. Cheek Chamber (right) Another Cheek Chamber, this one's filled with Pepto Bismaulers who seem to be feeding from a number of toxic barrels. The nervous, uncontrolled marine will fire at his first target of opportunity, only wounding it and alarming all the others. This nervous and uncontrolled marine will probably set off the cascade of exploding barrels before the alarmed beasts are close enough to the barrels to kill them all. He will be mauled. The cool and calm marine will fire an "attention" shot away from the barrels first, alarming the beasts and causing them to all rush at once. With only a single, second shot, this cool and calm marine will then ignite the cascade of exploding barrels when the beast are close enough to do the real damage. He will have a genuine barrel of fun! 6. The Lipless Pool Room Through the right Cheek Chamber, you'll find the Lipless Pool Room. Only a minor delay for even the average marine. On the far side, amongst some ammunition, is a Radition Suit. The Nippers room is ahead, and it's known to be a popular place for Lost Souls and Pepto Bismaulers. Word to the wise: "Make sure all targetable monsters are dead before donning Radition Suits.". You may waste your precious protection time defending yourself and not be able to explore the red-hot region after it's been cleaned of the unwanted. 7. The Nippers Room Used by real Imps, the live ones that is, nipper teeth scrap the last bits of flesh from their fallen prey, and the Nippers Room will surely scrap some of your flesh, too. Remember, it's hot in there. 8. The Evil Eye Like the first, Cold and Empty Eye, the Evil Eye is filled with Imps-with-an-attitude. Unlike the first, these scaley scoundrels are free to move about, right out of the Evil Eye and into your future, your now very uncertain future. It's gonna take alot of fancy dancing and quick-n-careful shooting before these guys will be pushing up the weeds out back. Careful with your shots, too, cause a misplaced round will alert the Imps praying in the Chapel next door. 9. The Chapel A quiet area of seclusion and reflection for the battle-weary Imp. If you're quick, you can make clean with these bowing beasts with a half-dozen shots in the back (go ahead, no one else is here to see your acts of cowardice). 10. The Brainless Cavity Don't bother trying to recall your phrenology, the bumps on this skull only reveal a very troubled personality whose story is better left untold. The Brainless Cavity area is made up of more than one chamber. The first that you will enter is the top of a stairway that leads to that dark room where you thought it was so fun shooting the shadowed monsters within. Remember the sheer enjoyment of hearing the tortured and stymied screams of those almost helpless quarries? Well, as you can guess, they're really pissed and haven't forgotten you. 11. The Big Switch There's a big, nasty-looking switch on the wall over there, but we're not going to be the first. If you check your map, you'll also notice a secret room behind the east wall. It's got a teleporter, but you're not ready to take it yet, trust us on this one at least. There's an Armory further on through the Main Hall; it's better to go there and get loaded up first. 12. Main Hall The Main Hall centers on a grand red door, but you'll first need the Red Key to open it. 13. The Control Room Further down the Main Hall is the Control Room. It's dark and dirty in there, and you gotta know there's not much control to be found either. But go ahead, it'll be worth it - heavy duty fire power is waiting. 14. The Armory Lots of weapons and ammunition, including some plasma for your new weapon. Too bad you can't carry it all. Lots of Sargeants and Troopers, too! A few strategically placed barrel shots can make quick, airborne blood splatters out of these otherwise active gaurdians of many things good. 15. BPOI, Local #666 Once the Armory has been cleared, it's a return trip back to the BPOI (Benevolent and Proud Order of Imps), Local #666. We all need quality time together, with our contemporaries, and this is the hangout-of-choice for the local denizens of DOOM. Lots of rotting, festering bodies and general decay to nibble on, or just to kick around. There's also a very nice view of the Baron Cage for those who just want to kick up the ol' claws and watch some frolic and gaiety. Please notice that the walls have that perfect consistency for honing one's slashers. And the wall paper is the final touch that rounds out the ambiance of this perfectly evil inner sanctum. 16. The Cross Bones There are only two unexplored areas left: the Baron Cage and the secret room with the teleporter. The Baron Cage needs a Red Key, so it's off through the teleporter for you. You'll be glad you waited for the Armory. Wooosh! Lots of rockets, hmmm. The ceiling is awfully high in here, too. As you approach the center of the Cross Bones, you notice a light turn on at the far end. Must be something expecting a wake-up call. No time to see if the blue and yellow doors at the center of the Cross Bones need a Blue and a Yellow Key. 17. Bowling for Barons Sure enough, a few of the ol' Baron boys hangin' with their Pepto friends. Hope you saved enough rockets cause they're coming your way fast. If you survived, and didn't just run away, of course, there's a Yellow Key at the very end. 18. Lasting Imp-Pressions The Yellow Key opens the northeast Cross Bone. A handful of Lost Souls and an Imp. Okay, there are more than one Imp, and you probably won't see the first fireballs coming, you'll feel 'em, but you probably won't see 'em. All clear? There's the Blue Key! 19. The Dungeon The Blue Key gains admittance to the last of the Cross Bone chambers: The Dungeon. Not so bad, in fact, as the Imp who greets you at the door explains, a few of your old friends are hanging around in here, ...right in the back there. And it wasn't so bad, not so many goodies though, other than the Red Key. The Red Key, it must be time to exit, ...through the Baron Cage. 21. The Baron Cage Massive carnage here. Seems the locals, the BPOI affiliates next door, have been caging Barons and watching them vent their frustrations on your former marine friends, ...they're still marines, they're just former now. We've heard that this is the second-most popular spectator sport in DOOM, but it's time to put an end to it all. BAD WATER, E2 M3 1. El Agua Mal Plaza Supremo You seem to have landed in a large plaza in front of a big building. No DOOM-play or goodies, not much of anything but this huge building. Unfortunately, you need a Red Key to enter the building. Where to find a Red Key? Hope the DOOM Meister has planned ahead. Hey, look, a free Shot Gun, ...what an omnipotent DOOM Meister. 2. The Bad Water Moat If there's any fighting to be done out here, you'll have to be very careful where you run. Admit it, we've all had to admit it, you will be running soon. The bad water really is very bad and if you fall in, there's only one set of steps out, one set of steps that you probably will never reach in time to save your life. 3. Lost Soul Ambush All looks quiet so far, so far. On the east side of the plaza is the entrance to the Bad Water Canals. There's a Radiation Suit there, but the entrance doesn't look very inviting. Maybe there's an easier access from somewhere else. On to the north side of the plaza. What's all this? Lot's of goodies, apparently free. Are you thanking your DOOM Meister again? Good, then climb the obelisk and gather your goodies. Go ahead, they're yours. Oh, wait, did we mention that there may be a hidden trip switch. What, too late? Hope your awake. Get ready for some vicious aerial attacks as multitudes of Lost Souls approach you from all sides at once. There's only one way to fight these guys: run and hide like the little girl you really are. You really can't get them all at once, but if you can situate yourself so only one or two of them can get at you at a time, then maybe you'll live to fight another day. Oh, and don't forget to pull up your dress before you retreat! And remember what we told you about running in the plaza. 4. Bad Water Canals All those Lost Souls found, but no Red Key yet? Looks like you gotta go into the Bad Water Canals after all. Fortunately there's that one Radiation Suit waiting for you. Looks like there's only one, so make it good. You'll spend precious time tackling Imps and won't have much left for exploring the canals. At the end of the canals is the Red Key and, what's this, another chamber too? Too bad the ledge is too high to climb. You'll have to fight your way back through the canals and find some other way. 5. Bad Water Estate As you push the Estate's red door open, you see a rather large gathering of Pepto Bismaulers. They're apparently holding some sort of strange demon-stration. Sure are a lot of the stubby, knuckle- dragging beowulfs! Good thing they don't seem to see you. You're probably low on shells, but if you're quiet enough, you can slip behind these dense devils and grab some of the shells on the back wall. Okay, reloaded and warm-barreled? Now to make some fertilizer. Again, remember the real marine, the one who isn't afraid to admit he's got limitations, will find somewhere to run so these guys can be dealt with one at a time. So scramble to the nearest, convenient covy and start blasting. Well, the door to the right is locked with a Yellow Key. Looks like it's on through the left passage for now. 6. Caecademon Corridors Tight passages seem to offer nothing but good things. Could this be true? 7. The Baron's Slot Machine What's with the moving megaliths? They seem harmless enough, even to a three-toed sloth like yourself. We're sure you noticed all of the shells in here, boxes of them. Good, you'll need them. A couple of turns, and, oh yes, isn't that a Baron at the end of the hall! Taking on a Baron in a tight spot is a sure loss. A few quick pops with the ol' 12-gauge and then back through the megalithic slots. Runaway early, cause the slots take time to open and Barons are quick. And the slots take time to close, ...but maybe they'll hold the bloody Baron back long enough for you to bring him down with a barrage of well-placed, wall-tracing, side shots. 8. The North Room Another Yellow Key door, but still no Yellow Key. Where in DOOMdom is that damn Yellow Key! By the way, did you notice the Peptos as you entered, or did they notice you? 9. Caecademons Crib Caecademons Crib? So where are the adorable, little tikes? No worries, grab the rockets and health, and head south for now. Woosh! ...Auch Sheise, noch einmal mit dem verbergen Schalteren! Three of the big-balled, round-in-the-body-but-pointed-in-the-personality blue-and-reds coming straight up your strap! You've got plenty of rockets, but no launcher. Looks like it's the slow, tedious death-by-Remington for these guys. Wonder what all those rockets are for, anyway. 10. The Baron's Dining Room Another door and, no suprise, another suprise. It's the Baron's Dining Room, and look, the Baron is in. He's entertaining a few guests, too. Time for a good food fight! As a matter of fact, watch the cuisine on the table as you trade blasts with the feasting beasties. Looks like that fat-laddened slop is bulky enough to even stop some of the Baron's Breath and the Imp's Balls. A light set of surface shoes will go far here, as long as you're still in 'em. Yes, the Yellow Key, and a teleporter. Should you head back to that north room of the Estate with your newly found key? We seem to remember an inaccessable chamber at the end of the Bad Water Canals, maybe the teleporter is best. Your call, chief. 11. Army Assault Here you are, but no army. Actually, seems kind of quiet for the massive military presence you expected. And look, lots of health and potions and ammo? Who just leaves this stuff laying around like this, unguarded and out in the open? Ooops, what's this, a warning post? Well, doesn't make much sense, but okay. How to get out of here... The level's exit is here, but you're not done yet. More warning signs on the wall up ahead, and a Chain Gun! Ho-ho-ho, now you have a Chain Gun! One last unexplored area just ahead. Step number one, number two, number... woosh! Sacrimonious excrement! An army of 64, we know cause we've counted 'em, 64 Troopers and Sargeants. And they look bored to death, your death actually. Glad you loaded up that Chain Gun, cause it's time to do the Chain Gun Cha-Cha with a whole platoon of VFW's (Venturers of Fallen Ways). All done? Who, you or them. If your heart is still ticking, or pounding, you can scarf up on all of that nice ammo and shells your former toe-tapping foes left behind. They couldn't take it with them, so you might as well. And look, a teleporter. Wonder where it goes to... 12. The Leap of Faith Damn it! Don't you hate these dark, flickering, moving ashwall chambers? We know we do! There's always a Specter or thirteen in these places. Low and behold, what's that shimmering figure over there? Well, only one way to find out for sure, BANG! Snarl, chortle! Here they come, but from where? Looks like another opportunity to practice your "Gotta a Gatling, Gotta Go" Reel. Maybe you can improvise with a little side-stepping, spray-pattern shuffle while your dancing your way out of this one champ. Okay, they seem to all be lifeless, but how to get out of here. There's a nasty looking fire pit on the east side, but those are never much fun, usually down-right deadly, actually. Well, nowhere else to go, might as well F2 this one and take the plunge. Woosh, back to the Estate. 13. Back to the Estate Okay, Red Key, Yellow Key, let's go check out that yellow door in the north room of the estate. A good shove on the yellow door and it's up the stairs to who knows where. 14. The Upset Inerds What in Wilbur's name is all this? We warned you about the water, but all this swirling and swooshing of pink-coated intestines is really upsetting. A slim walkway from the door at the top of the stairs leads to... leads to... to a god damned wall. You're getting nauseous just being here, and that damned wall won't budge! Where to go but down. Okay, two sides of the walkway means two ways to jump. To the right, or to the left. Let's try the right cause, well, cause it's right isn't it? One step, then another, then a plunge and the "umphhhh!" sound of the air leaving your lungs. No sooner does the sound of your abdominal discharge fade when comes the disintergrating sound of a teleporter's woosh. Time for another "where the hell are we now?". A quick TAB to the map and it looks like you're back in the north end of the Estate. Let's hit those stairs again and jump left this time, huh? Step, step, plunge, "umphhh!". ...No woosh. Hmmmm, lots of helmets, and a corridor. First one turn, then another, then, what's this, a Pepto Bismauler, and his back is turned!. Blast, blast, one in the back and one in the breast. It was a quick kill and, like all of the others, it was a satisfying kill. But what's all that growling still echoing in the corridor? Like a well-trained marine, you've made sure that all was clear in your rear, must be up ahead. Let's check. "Growl, thump, growl!". The way is clear ahead of you but flashes of red are be telling you that your life's blood is being pounded from your frail little body. Shit! Pepto Bismaulers from the rear, how'd they get there? Hope you still have a good stock of shells and ammo. A switch! With a quick flick comes the familiar sound of grinding gears and clashing concrete. Turn for the teleporter behind you and, sure enough, that bothersome wall at the end of the slim walkway above is opening. A teleporter out and we're back in the north end of the Estate again. And again it's back up the stairs. 15. The Baron's Penthouse That's "Penthouse" as in a room high up in a building, not a filthy, smutty magazine filled with photos of promiscuously posed Imps and naked Spectors. Naked Spectors? ...aren't they always naked? Who could tell even if they weren't? Who'd want to! ...okay, okay, back to our story... Nice place, huh? What a pretty, glowing red. Gives you a kind of warm, cozy feeling, ...warm and cozy if you like being pelted with Imp's Balls and Baron's Breath! In the Penthouse, it's a question of strategic positioning. Let's see, this looks good,, two, three Imps dead. WHAM! A blast from the past, due left. A quick pivot, a reload, and a few more Imps are singing in the Choir Invisible. WHAM, shit! WHAM, WHAM! Baron's Breath, don'cha hate it just after they've eaten. Maybe it's time for a few of those rockets you've been saving. You did save some rockets? "Duuuub", SPLAT! Oh yes, that wonderful smell of home-baked Baron ala Rocket Shrapnel. A Computer Map! Good, must be near the end of this little piece of hell. Let's check. Yep, looks like a big 10-4 on that final 10-20. Let's find that teleporter to the Army Assault Chamber and get to that exit.