WADPAK1.WAD by Gary Karnik (g.karnik@att.com) This is my attempt to take some of the best shareware PWADs for DOOM available and combine them together into reasonable new episodes. Each episode should be playable by a single player or deathmatch as in ID's own levels. This is the source for this new wad pak: EPISODE1: EPISODE2: EPISODE3: E1M1 TNCROSS.WAD E2M1 MAZE1.WAD E3M1 STONES.WAD E1M2 TREE1.WAD E2M2 LEWIS21F.WAD E3M2 MELANGE.WAD E1M3 HUH.WAD E2M3 11BONES.WAD E3M3 MARX1_2.WAD E1M9 TEK.WAD E2M4 LONGMTCH.WAD E3M4 MARKROOM.WAD E1M4 FOREST.WAD E2M5 666.WAD E3M5 MOONBASE.WAD E1M5 FOREST.WAD E2M9 CASTLE.WAD E3M6 OCTAGON.WAD E1M6 FOREST.WAD E2M6 CORTYR_B.WAD E3M9 CHRIS.WAD E1M7 EVIL_E.WAD E2M7 BEHOLDER.WAD E3M7 FY1A.WAD E1M8 FORTRESS.WAD E2M8 MEGAWATT.WAD E3M8 FY1A.WAD My highest regard to all WAD authors, you did a fantastic job guys! Also, a whole-hearted thank you to the provider of ocf.unt.edu. If anyone has any problems playing these episodes, please let me know. Enjoy. ******************************************** TNCROSS.WAD - A Deathmatch Arena for DOOM By Valis - 27-Mar-94 To help me learn the great new DEU 5.0 beta 4 WAD editor (available via FTP on both wuarchive.wustl.edu and ocf.unt.edu), I created the enclosed level, starting with Alastair Brown's simple CROSS.WAD and juicing it up quite a bit. * Everyone is offset - nobody can see the enemy's entry point. * The heat is on, so you better get started! * Ramble through a maze of variably high barrier walls... * to find a little more ammo for each weapon. * Chainsaw doesn't need ammo, but there's something hidden for you too. * A few choice monsters to keep folks company - not a major zoo. * Critters and bonuses scale back on easy play levels. * Collect and search well and you'll go far - all the way to the top! * If a Flying Wallenda found a bazooka, would there be Dark Victory? I hope you have fun with it. I have checked the structure and I think it's clean. If you have any problems, post them in alt.games.doom. Good luck! }-V-{ ********************************************** Tree1 Filename: tree1.zip Uploaded: ocf.unt.edu (4-26-94) Author: Greg A. Lewis (gregory.lewis@um.cc.umich.edu) Wad Tools: Deu 5.0 and BSP 1.1x Loads As: Episode 1 Level 1 (requires registered doom) Sample Load Command: c:\doom> doom -file tree1.wad Description: This is a moderately difficult level, although different skill levels are implemented. It features a broad array of monsters and weapons, with just enough health to get you through the rough parts. A few nifty effects can be achieved with barrels, ceilings, and floors, if you do the right things. This is not an entirely hack-n-shoot level, and minimal intelligence is required (sorry, couldn't help it!). This level has been played numerous times in deathmatches (too many to count!), and public opinion holds this to be a fun deathmatch level. After enough switches have been triggered, and players find the locations of the weapons, the action gets fast and furious (and a little sneaky, too). Please send any comments you may have to the above e-mail address. ************************************************* Welcome to.... / / / / / / / / / / / / ///// / / ///// / / / / / / Episode 2; Map 1 / / ///// / / .WAD by Rob Hasselbaum (Spectrum) "Huh" is my first serious attempt to create a challenging, well-designed level for DOOM. This level supports one or more users playing on any of the five skill levels. Hope you enjoy it! I created this level using version 2.60-B2 of Geoff Allan's "DoomEd - The Real Thing" for Windows. Even though it's still in beta, this is a fantastic program! I highly recommend it to anyone who creates DOOM worlds. (Its interface is *much* less annooying than Deu's, and it's every bit as powerful!) Over the summer, since I'll have time, I'd like to get around to creating a whole group of levels and releasing them as an episode. So after you try Huh, please drop me a message and let me know what you think! I'd love to get some feedback so I have some things to think about when I create more levels. Enjoy... rhassel1@ithaca.edu <-- Use this during the school year! r.hasselbaum@genie.geis.com <-- Use this during the summer! ********************************************* This was originally just a setup for a Deathmacth level for myself and my murder-happy friends. I tried to add in some non-deatmatch componenets to make it more playable, however. The basis for this level is that it's a portiuon of my school's campus(Georgia Tech). Feel free to add on to it and send me bug reports(I've debugged extensively, but I'm sure there are more to go). I only ask that if you add on, you send me mail and let me know where to find the add on, 'cause I'd be eager to play any enhancements/changes. (I'm a bit of a doom addict myself). It's episode 1 mission 1. Have at it. gt6523c@prism.gatech.edu *********************************************************** ================================================================ Title : FOREST.WAD ver 1.3 Author : Jean-Serge Gagnon Email Address : jsg8a@acadvm1.uottawa.ca Misc. Author Info : I am a computer service tech. and have been playing DOOM since 0.99! It's awsome on a 486DX2/66 and S3-805 VLB!!! Description : Forest is a three mission WAD with new graphics. Look at the sky and watch for some text on some walls. It also includes my own demos of each level right in DOOM! In 1.1, I also changed the credit screen. In 1.2, I changed the IWAD to PWAD because of WadMaster (thanks Raphael). In 1.3, I corrected the bad DEMOs. Additional Credits to : Marc Lusignan for helping me debug them. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E2M1, M2 & M3 (so far!) Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New demos : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes * Construction * Base : New levels from scratch Build Time : About 80 hours total Editor(s) used : DEU 5.0, 5.01 & 5.1b, BSP 1.0 and 1.1x * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: gaaj.cosmos.uottawa.ca in /public/doom bear.montefiore.ulg.ac.be in /incoming/doom/wads/episode2 ocf.unt.edu in /pub/incoming ftp.cdrom.com in /pub/games/incoming ftp.uwp.edu in /pub/incoming/id wuarchive.wustl.edu in /pub/msdos_uploads/games/DOOM/EDITED_LEVELS/episode2 Until it is moved to the proper directory (except for gaaj). Look for the file: FOREST13.ZIP ================================================================ ******************************************************* WAD NAME: evil_e.wad WAD Description: My first attempt! Author: Ian Suhrstedt Contact: isuhrste@vtel.com NOTEs on the level: 1. Try it first without any of the codes...you'll enjoy it more. 2. All of the monsters appear on all levels, so changing the skill levels won't help you there. 3. Most objects are there for a reason, i.e. location of secrets. 4. Level is compatible with deathmatch and co-op modes. 5. Look closely at the faces on the ship... Please give me feedback on anything you deem necessary. Thanks. Have fun! ***************************************************** The "Official" form: ================================================================ Title : FORTRESS.WAD Author : Curtis M. Turner II Email Address : Currently: choppe@hubcap.clemson.edu Real soon: cturner@hubcap.clemson.edu Misc. Author Info : Student at Clemson Univ. SC (Doh!) Description : An evil haven battle fortress, chock full of things to kill and places to see. Enjoy the atmosphere, I do. Additional Credits to : Well, I could thank alot of people here who had nothing whatsoever to do with this, but I won't. It's all me. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 (Until you change it, rec: E?L7) Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes, fully implemented. New Sounds : No New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : New level Build Time : Give or take 56 hours. Editor(s) used : DEU5.0 BSP11x Known Bugs : A few minor texture alignment problems are all I know about, but I've controlled my perfectionist tendancies so you all can enjoy this. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY, provided they completely lack imagination, use this level as a base to build additional levels. (One of the following) You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ocf.unt.edu and all mirror sites. BBS numbers: None. Other: My hard drive. Ok gang, this baby took me a heck of a long time to get all of the atmosphere right, it seems that the linedef tags 999 and 99 aren't only used for stairs after all, check the maze to see what I mean. I think Id alternated 99 and 999 simply so the could have both rising stairs and smooth pulsing sectors, the only reason for two different oddball #'s. Secrets, yes there are alot of them ;) Don't expect to find them all the first few times through (unless you're one of those cheating types, then hey more power to ya), but none conceal "must have" items, just boons. I manage to come off the level with max health and armor on Ultra-Violence, but then I know where the secrets are. One hint: Take a few seconds to look around, I'm sure something will pop up, especially early on. Another hint, well nah, you'll see the first time you play ;) Also, No Cyber/Spider demons here, I save them for when it's important (aka my level 8). Well I could babble on forever, but I know you're dying to play this wad, so ENJOY! Curtis Turner II (it's 10am, I've been up 28hrs :) ***************************************************** ============================================================================= Title :MAZE1.WAD Author :Jeff Cochran Email Address :jcochran@usacomputers.com Misc. Author Info :Fidonet 1:371/26, CIS 71477,134 BBS: Margaritaville 1-813-939-3009 Description :This started out as an experiment in learning DEU, and just grew into this .WAD file. It's got a little of everything a new DEU user would need to spend time figuring out, different doors, wall textures, steps, lifts and more. It's meant to replace Episode 1, Map 1, so there ain't no Cacodemons, rocket launchers or instant death traps, if you're into that stuff you'll need to wait for my next effort... ;) Additional Credits to :My wife, for putting up with me dragging into bed at 3 a.m humming the Doom tune; Steve Bareman for re-writing the DEU docs to where I could *almost* understand them, and for netmailing me the rest of what I couldn't figure out; Brendon Wyber and Raphal Quintet for a decent Doom editor at an *extremely* reasonable price; id Software for their twisted outlook on life and the good sense to write it into a program; and mostly, the helpful hands on alt.games.doom who answered many newbie questions. ============================================================================= * Play Information * Episode and Level # :E1M1 Single Player :Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player :Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player :Yes Difficulty Settings :Yes * Construction * Base :New Level Build Time :35 Hours, four Pizzas and a couple liters of Coke. Editors used :DEU v5 and BSP v1 Known Bugs :None *Copyrights / Permissions * Hey, the editor was free, I looked at just about every .WAD file out there to figure out how to do things, and I had a ball doing it. If I were to restrict or copyright this in any way the spirit would be lost. Besides, if you claim this as your work I figure you'll eventually rot in your own personal hell... (Me, I'll be hanging out in Hell on Earth...) ***************************************************** ALL: I'm sure some of you have seen the earlier incarnations of my wad (lewis21b and lewis21e). This is the txt file for the newest version of the wad. First, the template: ================================================================ Title : lewis21f.wad Author : Lewis Beard Email Address : lewis@c2d2e2.wes.army.mil Misc. Author Info : Description : My wad is a huge canyon with 3 mountains, various caves and tunnel complexes, spiral stair cases, a teleport grid, traps, and really long, scenic views! Ideal for solo play or deathmatch (lots of hidden nooks and crannies, and plenty of room to run around). I think its fairly easy, even on UV, but I didn't make it too hard. I wanted it to be fun. And so it is! Enjoy! Additional Credits to : Deviant on IRC, for suggesting that I remove a few trees to make his 486 stop slowing down. :) ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E2M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes (only UV and standard, no easy settings) New Sounds : No New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 16 hours (over half of which was refinements) Editor(s) used : DEU 5.0 and BSP 1.0 Known Bugs : None Known * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ocf.unt.edu [archived as: lewis21f.zip ] BBS numbers: - Other: -Most recent modifications were to remove a few extraneous trees, to make a FEW of the dark areas lighter, and to make a couple of rooms darker ... don't whine, its just 2 rooms. Open the door and back up into the safe, lit area you cowards. Besides, its not THAT dark. :) -I have included a lmp file and a batch file to view the lmp with. Watch the LMP only AFTER you play the level or some surprises might be ruined (I want the weak among you to jump a couple of times). I kill everything eventually, and I grab all the keys, get almost all the items, activate practically every teleporter, go to all 3 areas beyond the teleport grid, etc. Just to show ya how its done. I move kinda fast thru the teleport grid, but you'll get it. Any my apologies for my playing. :) Its on UViolence. I only just woke up, so I miss a lot and played very hastily and casually and without concern for deadliness or accuracy. I basically slob through the level and do everything. :) Enjoy. Lewis Beard lewis@c2d2e2.wes.army.mil ***************************************************** Yet another DOOM level.... 11BONES.WAD Created with DEU 5.0 and BSP 1.0. FEATURES: - A completely new level. - Deathmatch ready. (Each warp in spot has a weapon) - Varying skill levels enabled. - All the textures match. This pwad is meant to be used as one of the lower levels. Some other levels feature 10 Barons/room, not so here. Feel free to include it in an episode compilation. Have fun... Damon Brodie m0t3@unb.ca ***************************************************** WAD File: longmtch.wad Author : Shane Boyer (sboyer@esu.edu) with help from K. Desrochers, T. Furst Date : 4-21-94 Author Note: This level has been refined over the course of a couple weeks through heavy playtesting. Hopefully an optimum blend of enemies, ammo, health and "tricks" as well as physical design has been acheived. Please email any comments to above address. Description: A Deathmatch (although single player is supported on one level of play) level. Mid-sized so that players run into each other often enough, but all areas have multiple connections to other areas so there are no traps. Three big rooms, nicknamed "The Prison", "The Skull Room", and "The Arena". These rooms have various windows, teleports, and interconnecting passageways between them. Plenty of health, ammo and armor to go around. Designed as a long lasting deathmatch level. The three weapons in the multiplayer game are the shotgun, rocket launcher, and one chainsaw. In the single player game, a chain gun is added. Three secrets, including the "Happy Room". longmtch.wad replaces level 1 of episode 2. How to play: Single Player: Single player is designed to be moderately hard, but shouldn't be impossible for doom "veterans". The only skill level that has single player item placements is level 4 (Ultra Violence). To play single player: doom -file longmtch.wad -episode 2 -skill 4 Multiplayer: Multiplayer increases the amount of health and ammo, and decreases the number of enemies. For those of you who like to play Deathmatch with enemies, this level should allow -respawn at the same time. There are just enough enemies to annoy you! Multiplayer is setup for skill levels 1, 2 and 3. So depending on how much damage you want to take, choose accordingly; the item placement is the same between the three levels. To play two-player with respawn on skill 1, type: ipxsetup -file longmtch.wad -episode 2 -skill 1 -respawn Known Problems: There are two "problems": - first, there is a point when going from one sector into a door sector where the screen momentarily will turn black with speckles. I've run the latest BSP node generator on the WAD file, with no change. I've seen this effect in other WADs but don't know what to do to fix it. Doesn't affect gameplay. - Second, a wall in the "Happy Room" (believe me, you'll know what room I'm talking about when you see it) is transparent in the sense you can shoot rockets or plasma through it. I set the linedefs to impassible, but without success. Don't know why this happens. Still really doesn't affect gameplay all that much. And PLEASE email me any comments you have, as I would be receptive to either modifying this level or building a new one if people like this one. Shane (sboyer@esu.edu) ****************************************** ======= 666.wad ======= Yet another new Doom level. This level replaces e1m1 but uses textures/monsters/weapons from the registered version. It is my first 'complete' new level. As such it wasn't entirely planned out first, but I think you'll think it is worth the download anyway. It was created using DEU 5.0 and BSP 1.0. Many congrats to the authors of those programs. It has all skill levels and it is set up for multiplayer. It was designed for ultra-violence and is fairly challenging I think (so I've been told by others who played it), but it is definitely possible in UV. A reasonable 'par' time for 100% on everything is about 9-10 minutes. I'm sure it can be done faster (but not much). Please email me with any comments/problems/suggestions. My address is stimson@leland.stanford.edu. I hope you have fun. --Steve ******************************************************* Imagine that you walk up to a castle. It's big, and very dark. You look up. Somebody is shooting at you from the turrets! Better start moving, or you'll never escape. You run around the outside. The castle is surrounded by a moat, and there's no back door. Just a small window high up on one wall. Darn, you'll have to go in the front door. I built this level from scratch using BEU5.0 and BSP11X. It is the biggest, most complex level that I've ever seen. Well over a thousand vertices and linedefs. Lot's of tricky bits, pretty scenery, and violence. I would appreciate seeing an LMP for a triple 100% on ultraviolent. This level replaces episode 1, map 1. It allows multi-player and deathmatch games. It's tuned for single player. Alex Siegel alexs@tss.com ************************************************* Welcome to the CourtYard, REPLACES Episode 3 Mission 1 NEWBIES! READ THIS: usage: doom -file cortyr_b.wad and select episode 3. to play the demo: doom -devparm -playdemo cortyr_b and watch. This is revision B (hexadecimal) of the CourtYard. If you have *any* other version, please remove/destroy/obliterate the copy and use this one. Special thanks to Dylan and Colin for getting BSP11X out to me so quickly! That's one of the major reasons why the CourtYard is here *today*. Now for nitty gritty. This level is extrememly difficult for myself, and I consider myself a *very* experience Doom player. Included with the level is an LMP (demo) demonstrating the quickest routes to completing the level. I had to re-record *many* times because I exceeded the 15 minute recording limit. Also, I got nuked several times when attempting to cut corners and bypass some of the trouble; it didn't work :) Anyhow, if you get stuck (say you can't find one of the keys), watch the LMP, it should clarify any confusion that may abound. DESCRIPTION: CORTYR_B.ZIP Yes! There is a central CourtYard for you pleasure. Also, through- out the level you will find a power reactor, power conduits, big, big, lights, a lamppost, a huge pit, jail bars, secret elevators, and some very idle barons awaiting your company :) This level has been tested deathmatch, and, believe it or not, I got my butt fragged even though I designed the level! I admit that there are not enough linkages to fully enjoy DeathMatch, but, I hope someone else will test out the level and see how it works for them. BUG NOTICE: Yes, I know that there is still some clipping that occurs in the huge slime pit. This is a result of the "too many two-sided linedefs" bug native to the DOOM executable. That's just the way it goes :( After the final compilation, I *did* notice two sidedefs missing the appropriate textures, fortunately, they don't really get noticed. Play the level, and occassionaly stop to look :) Once again, for those who are new to this level, I have, in short, maxxed the memory capabilities of DEU. You can flip linedefs, move vertices, delete sectors, but, DEU won't compile properly, if at all. Secondly, my level was approximately 75% complete when I couldn't to a single thing with the map. So, it was at this point that I added doors, lifts, etc. etc., in places where I had not intended. I still think the level looks and plays well despite its incompleteness. I hope that you, too, enjoy it. LAST THOUGHTS: If the level is *too* difficult on UltraViolence, try a lighter setting. If you are completely new to Doom, the lightest setting will be breeze easy, meaning that you can actually find time to view the level without a sergeant peeping around the corner and blasting your nuts off (sorry ladies). This level involved *over* 40 hours of work using only DEU. I wouldn't suggest any other editor even with the BUGS that DEU has....keep working with it and you'll figure it out. Lastly, *please* don't use this level as an example. As I stated earlier, this level was only 75% complete, meaning I had to pull some strings in order to keep the level flowing. I'm very much glad it is done since I have some major projects that needed tending to. May the force be with you! (I have kept the STAR WARS sound patch on, even for the recorded demo :) Definately worth the meggage on my hard drive. 'tis all, now go out and die :) Michael Kelsey (author of STONES) mkelsey@eecs.wsu.edu ******************************************************* This WAD was created by Alex Cannon (Jeffrey Cannon- playtesting) using DE_250B4. Feel free to email me (acannon@cyberstore.ca) with comments and suggestions. I'm particularly interested in how difficult people find this level... that's w/o cheats guys... This level is complete, but I was planning on adding a hell of a lot more! Anyhow, to play this level run DOOM -FILE BEHOLDER.WAD. It's level E2M1. Alex 4/02/94 ******************************************************* Doom External Wad Files: Megalab.wad and Megawatt.wad Author: Casey Miller E-mail: 98782359@wsuvm1.csc.wsu.edu (valid address till 5/6/94) Organization: Washington State University After too many hours I have finally completed my second complete external wad file for use with the registered version of Doom. As promised, the zip file also contains a re-release of my first wad megawatt.wad. This new version of megawatt has the bugs fixed and now has difficulty levels implemented. For those easily offened by satanic overtones, neither level uses any satanic textures. Megawatt replaces level one of episode one and Megalab replaces level two of episode one. Both levels contain multi-player and deathmatch starting points, and skill level options. To load the levels enter: Doom -file megawatt.wad megalab.wad (Make sure both wads are in the Doom directory) Megawatt was built with the Deu 4 beta editor, and Megalab was completed with Deu 4 beta, then the new Deu 5, and nodes built with BSP v1.1 beta. I can almost garuntee there will be no clipping. I must give credit to the new Deu 5 for its auto texture align feature as Megalab would not have been released this soon. For those who enjoyed Megawatt, my new Megalab level should be equally enjoyable if not more. Neither level abuses the player by adding too many monsters so you should find both reasonable to play. I hope you enjoy and would appreciate any feedback at the above internet e-mail address. I will graduate after the 6th so my e-mail address will no longer be valid, so don't bother sending me mail after that date. I will hopefully get a new account in my home town within a few weeks afterwards. Good luck on your kills, C. Miller Babylon 5 Rules! *********************************************** * General Information * ============================================================================ Title : MELANGE.WAD Author : Kenneth S. Forte Email Address : fusioncon@cup.portal.com Additional Credits to : The authors of DOOM, DEU, and BSP, of course. Description : A fairly simple level with a couple of tricks in it, good for all modes of gameplay. Watch out for the Spectres in the darker areas... * Play Information * ============================================================================ Episode and Level # : E2M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No * Construction * ============================================================================ Base : New level from scratch Build Time : About 1 day, much of it devoted to textures Editor(s) used : DEU 5.0 and BSP 1.0 Known Bugs : None known. This level did have a secret sector that never seemed to get credited, but it was changed it to another sector in that area. * Copyright / Permissions * ============================================================================ Authors may use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file. ******************************************************* markroom.wad ============================= This WAD is a big area good for multiplayer NETDOOM. It's got tons of weapons and no armor---- so be prepared to die LOTS! We've been playing it around here for a few days, and the matches can easily last >>>1 hr. Have Fun! Mark Author: Mark Griswold Email: mgriswol@synapse.npa.uiuc.edu I don't care about this copyright stuff.... ****************************************************** ================================================================ Title : MOONBASE.WAD Author : Curtis Turner II Email Address : via choppe@hubcap.clemson.edu for now Misc. Author Info : Description : A drop in for one of the tougher episode one levels. Additional Credits to : Mike Kelsey, miscellanious assistance. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : No New Graphics : No * Construction * Base : New level Build Time : 10 hours est. Editor(s) used : DEU 5.0 BSP 1.1x Known Bugs : Weird 'invisible blockage' in rocky exterior area. Any clues, let me know. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ocf.unt.edu BBS numbers: Neutral Zone BBs (803) 882-9194 Other: ********************************************************** Hi all! This is our (Chris Burton and Chris Straw) contribution to the doom pwad pool. Hope you enjoy it. It's quite the challenge on ultraviolent level! Hehe :) I've played extensively on the modem. It's great if I do say so myself. I haven't tried it with -respawn yet or in NIGHTMARE mode either cause I don't think I can beat it. It might be interesting to put it on Hurt me Plenty or something and try it with netdoom with -respawn.... Hmmmmmmm... oh well cya l8r, I gotta go... yeah that's the ticket! *********************************************** in the darker areas... * Play Information *