Quick Kill Deathmatch-- Quickill.zip ============================================ Title :Quickill.wad Author :Eric Sheier E-Mail Address :NYERIC@AOL.COM About Author :This is the 3rd and best WAD I've made so far!! Description :A great setting for an action packed deathmatch.. not too big, not too small...Stairs, doors teleporters and lifts...Playable 1 player..Lots of texture alignment! cool stuff in here! Additional Credits to :Id software...Deu 5.21 and Bsp 1.1X ============================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # :E1M1 Single Player :Yes Cooperative 2-4 :Yes Deathmatch 2-4 :YES...This is what it's all about!!! Difficulty Settings :Nope..Not implemented. New Sound :Yes...I put in Back to the Future music! New Graphics :No Demos Replaced :No * Construction * Base :New Level--From Scratch Build Time :12 hours Editors used :Deu 5.21, BSP 1.1X, DMMUSIC 1.0 Known Bugs :None..I hope * Copyright/Permission * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional as long as I get some credit! You may distribute this WAD, provided you inclede this file, with no modification. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, Internet, etc.) as long as this file is included and unmodified! * Where to get this WAD * America-On-Line FTP sites--?? Local BBS--?? Thanks for taking time to try my level!!