FIRST THINGS FIRST: THE ZIPPED FILE SHOULD CONTAIN THE DOOMED.WAD FILE, DEHACKED v1.2, A PATCH FILE FOR YOUR DOOM EXECUTABLE, AND THIS TEXT. THE DOOMED.WAD FILE IS AT E1M1 & E1M8. AFTER YOU FINISH E1M1 AND BEGIN E1M2, YOU MUST WARP TO MISSION EIGHT BY TYPING THE CHEAT "IDCLEV 18" GOOD LUCK..... ================================================================ Title : DOOMED.WAD Author : WILLIAM VADNAIS Email Address : Misc. Author Info : Description : NOTHING SPECIAL, JUST YOUR AVERAGE HUGE WAD FILES WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS: IMPS SPIT PLASMA KAMIKAZE DEMONS HANGING/IMPALED BODY PARTS EXPLODE CACODEMONS BELCH BARRELS (SEE BELOW) Additional Credits to : THE "STARRY STARRY NIGHT" SKY TEXTURE WAS BORROWED FROM THE FILE "UAC_DEAD.ZIP" BY LEO MARTIN LIM (GENDUT) AVAILABLE @aol... ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1, E1M8 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Not implemented New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : 70-90 hours Editor(s) used : GCCDEU 5.2, BSP 1.2, DEHACKED 1.2 Known Bugs : IN E1M8 IN THE ROOM WITH VERY TALL SECTORS, YOU MIGHT GET AN OCCASIONAL GLIMPSE OF THE SKY TEXTURE. LET ME KNOW IF YOU DISCOVER ANYTHING ELSE. *How to get the levels and patch file started* 1. You must install the patch file. I recommend that you also save your current version of doom.exe. To save your current version of doom.exe you can do one of two things. Either you can use the copy command to copy the doom.exe file into some directory or you can rename the current version of doom.exe within the same directory either type...mkdir doomexe [in your doom dir] copy doom.exe c:\doom\doomexe (tailor to your directory, drive, etc.) or doom.exe doom.1 either way you will have an intact copy of doom.exe before you install my patch. After you have backed up your doom.exe then get in the directory in which both your doom files and my unzipped files are located and type the following... dehacked -load doomed.deh 2. After you have installed my patch file you are ready to play. At the command line parameter in your DOOM directory, type the following doom -file doomed.wad The first level is at E1M1, easy enough. However the second level is at E1M8 and so you will either have to play the seven levels prior to E1M8 or you will have to use a cheat. To do so, after finishing E1M1 and advancing to E1M2 type the following idclev 18 * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use these levels as a base to build additional levels. You may do whatever you want with these files. (NOTE: this obviously does not apply to the dehacked files which are not mine OTHER: !!!!!WARNING!!!!! IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT YOU BACKUP YOUR CURRENT DOOM.EXE FILE BY USING THE REN/COPY COMMAND. THERE IS NO DANGER WITH MY VERSION, IT IS JUST THAT THE ONLY WAY TO GET BACK TO THINGS THE WAY THEY WERE IS TO REINSTALL THE OLD VERSION. ONCE YOU EXPLODE A HANGING BODY PART OR FEEL THE WRATH OF THE CACODEMONS BARREL BELCHING, HOWEVER, I SERIOUSLY DOUBT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO GO BACK...GOOD LUCK:) *********DONT FORGET TO CHECK OUT THE EXCELLENT PROGRAM DEHACKED V1.3******* IT'S SIMPLE TO LEARN HOW TO MANIPULATE AND YOU CAN GET SOME PRETTY AMAZING THINGS TO HAPPEN WHILE YOU ARE PLAYING DOOM...CHECK IT OUT...