AAh!!! Finally... I hope AOL accepts this version... Making levels is MUCH harder than I thought!!! If anyone wants to play MoDOOM, write to me on AOL... I live in Dallas, TX. :) enjoy!!! ================== Mission 1 ================== Title: Hell.wad Author: Johnny Webb Email Address: Destuctor (on AOL) Description: Relatively large level... Hard, and interesting. Neat ideas and lots of moving floors, etc. Moderate to hard difficulty. Additional Credits to: Alfers II and Scott10911 on AOL for there help and ideas ================================================= Play Information Episode and level # : E1M1 Single Player: Yes Coop 2-4 Players: Yes DeathMatch 2-4 Players: Yes Difficulty settings: Yes New Sounds: Yes (new music) New graphics: No Construction Base: New level from scratch Build Time: 40+ hours (yes-- this is my first try at a level, I'm slow) Editor(s) used: DEU 5.0, DEU 5.1, DEU 5.2, BSP 1.0, DMMUSIC Known Bugs: None, but there might be a problem under wierd circumstances during a multi-player game. Copyright / Permissions You may use this level as a base for other levels, but you must include credit to Johnny Webb. The author will not accept any responsibility for problems caused with it. Where to Get This Wad On AOL or whereever else it might show up. ================ Mission 2 ================ Title: -unnamed at moment- Author: Johnny Webb Email address: Destuctor (on AOL) Description: Smallish... This is a demo, so there are no enemies and very few items. A few secrets... Good ideas and GREAT for deathmatch. (hint: try this on deathmatch) Additional Credits: None =========================================== Play Information Episode and Level #: E1M2 Single Player: Yes Coop 2-4 Players: Yes Deathmatch 2-4 players: Yes Difficulty Settings: No right now New Sounds: Yes, new music New Graphics: No... Still can't figure out how to do it. Construction Base: New level from scratch Build Time: This early version, about 13 hours Editor(s) used: DEU 5.1, DEU 5.1, BSP 1.0, DMMUSIC Known Bugs: None, I hope... There might be a few in this version Copyright / Permissions You MAY NOT use this version of this level as a base to build additional levels. The author will not accept any responsibility for problems caused with this. Where to get this WAD In a packed WAD with Hell.wad on AOL