Included in this file are 2 wad files for use with Doom 1.2 by id Software. The first one (Dark.wad) is already online. This new one contains a few minor changes, most notably the inclusion of the BFG9000 to make fighting the CyberDemon a little bit easier. There is also an Ultra violence level, although its even harder than the original To play this level, load doom as follows: Doom -file Dark.wad Then select New Game - 2nd Episode - Mission 1 The second one is called Sequel.wad for want of a better name. This one has more traps and surprises and also has anothe CyberDemon towards the end. As you might have guessed I like a challenge and the Cyber Demon is the hardest villian in Doom:) this one seems to be easier than my first level although not too easy. To Play this level load doom as such: Doom -file Sequel.wad Then select Inferno episode - Mission 1 This level is meant to be played on one difficuly level as any of the others do not matter much. Note: There are a couple of rooms in this level that may roon slower on some computers because of the layout. These are my first 2 attempts at making levels from scratch using BSP/DEU. Hope you enjoy them. If you have any comments and/or suggestions feel fre to E-mail me : BLW9