Deathmatch Level -- ============================================ Title :bri2.wad Author :Brian Koos E-Mail Address :Brian Koos (BKoos on AOL) About Author :This is the second .WAD I've ever made. My friend thought it was pretty good so I've decided to distribute it to see what others think. Description :A small Deathmatch level (better because you meet your opponent(s) more often). Includes two "secret" observation points. Includes all weapons except the BFG-9000. Additional Credits to :Id software...Deu 5.21 and Bsp 1.1X ============================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # :E3M1 Single Player :No Cooperative 2-4 :No Deathmatch 2-4 :Yes Difficulty Settings :No New Sound :No New Graphics :No Demos Replaced :No * Construction * Base :My imagination. Build Time :I don't know, 10 hours maybe. Editors used :DooMCAD Known Bugs :One barely noticeable hall of mirrors effect. * Copyright/Permission * You may distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modification. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, Internet, etc.) as long as this file is included and unmodified! * Where to get this WAD * Well of Souls BBS (503) 741-1829 Pandora's Box BBS (503) 343-4520 America Online