+ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ+ ³ BioMech level documentation For levels 1,2 and 3 ³ ³ Bonus : General storyline enclosed along with some helpfull hints ³ +ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ+ {---Level 1 Documentation---} Updates : Episode 1 - Map 1 Skill levels : Fully active (Enemies and items affected) Player support : Solo, co-op and deathmatch Multi-Player bonus: Chainsaw Creation time : Approx. 18 glasses of ice tea (I always loose track of time when editing levels, but I can remember how much ice tea I drank while working, so thats how I time my work:) Hints & tips : Look carfully for doors that look like walls. Be carefull of the second automatic door, it doesn't look like its opening when it's opening. This is because the texture is un-pegged, it is not an error. The fire breathing wall can be killed, it just takes a few lucky shots. If you want to know how it was created I plan to up-load a document on DEU 5 soon. Known errors : One 'hall-of-mirrors' outside the room with the skull key. {---Level 2 Documentation---} Updates : Episode 1 - Map 2 Skill levels : Active on enemies only Player support : Solo, co-op and deathmatch Multi-Player bonus: None Creation time : Approx. 8 glasses of ice tea, and 2 glasses of water Hints & Tips : Make sure you get the rocket launcher near the end of BioMech level 1 or this level will be much more difficult. Known errors : One 'hall-of-mirrors' near the spinal cord door. One transparent wall near the begining of the level. {---Level 3 Documentation---} Updates : Episode 1 - Map 3 Skill levels : Fully active Player support : Solo, co-op and deathmatch Multi-Player bonus: None Creation time : Approx. 19 glasses of ice tea, and a glass of water Hints & Tips : This level is far supperior to the first two. It took me a while but I finaly got the hang of DEU. There are a couple of secret doors in this level, but they stand out noticably. The keycards are very important and fairly well protected. Finaly, make sure you explore the 'locker room' with the radiation suits and light amp goggles. You can't really survive in the lower area without them. OH I almost forgot, all the green stuff is 10% off or 20% off healthwise. Known errors : 'Hall-of-mirrors' effect if the big gray door in the hallway with the blue keycard closes while your inside. 'Hall-of-mirrors' effect in the lower area if the far left wall is viewed from certain angles. {---level 4 documentation---} Modifies : E1L4 Skill levels : Fully active Multi-player Bonus : None Creation time : 16 glasses of ice tea Hints & Tips : The level starts out VERY dark but, fear not, it soon will get much brighter. Be careful when taking items what you may take right away, you may miss a great deal later... Special Info : Modifies music for E1L1, this is not a perminate modification, and the music will be normal when running DOOM without this PWAD. Good Luck :) ---BigBad486 {---General Story---} In September of 2819 an alien ship drifts out of the sky and lands in the Cape Cod area. The ship carries a huge biomechanical factory which creates artificial wariors. All atempts to stop the invasion have failed, reluctently the world calls out one last hero, Roy Ideer. Within an hour Roy appears carring his trusty pistol and spitting wildly on to the ground. He is flown by helicopter to the alien ship and prepares to infiltrate the alien defense systems and destroy the core, but due to a faulty stabilizer the helicopter goes down and he is killed in a very large explosion. Or so the world thinks, in fact he is now inside the alien ship and must battle his way out! Good luck! {---Cheats---} You have probably read about these codes but if not here they are: IDKFA - Use this anytime in DOOM to get all the weapons and ammo IDDT - Use on the map screen to show all the walls, the second use displays all the things the third use returns the map to normal. IDSPISPOPD - Turns no clipping mode on or off, lets you walk through walls when no clipping is on. There are other codes, but I don't want to give everything away... yet :-}