SEARCH AND DESTROY Ver 2.4 ========================== Search and Destroy 2.4 is the latest revision of my Windows battleship program. The following files are included in S& S&D24.exe - executable game file S&Dhelp.hlp - help file S&D24.txt - this readme file hit.wav - hit sound file miss.wav - miss sound file sink.wav - sunken ship sound file win.wav - player wins sound file lose.wav - computer wins sound file If any of these files are missing from the .zip file, please e-mail at my compuserve number listed at the end of this file. GAME DESIGN =========== This program combines my desire to learn C and Windows programming with my fondness for the game of Battleship. Version 1.0 of Search & Destroy was a one grid version where the player had to sink five randomly placed ships in a certain amount of shots (determined by playing level). While version 1.0 was addicting, it did not use bitmaps to represent the ships and did not contain any logic for the computer to fire back. I added those features in ver 2.0 and the game began to seem more like traditional Battleship. Version 2.1 added a wealth of new features including different levels of computer firing logic, smoothly animated ship deployment, automatic and repeat ship deployment (in addition to manual) and true Windows Help. Version 2.2 added more levels of play, including levels that take into account the size of the remaining ships on the board. In addition, I have added sunken ship bitmaps and fixed the repeating messagebox bug. Version 2.3 fixed some minor screen repainting bugs and also added the use of an .ini file to remember your game level and deployment scheme from the previous game. The .ini file is automatically created the first time you run the game. Additionally, I added a border around the grids and implemented the grids as bitmaps, which greatly increases the speed of screen redraws, corrected the status text output for 1078 x 768 screen resolution and fixed a bug in the Random - Expert level. Most importantly, version 2.3 added sound support for systems that have a sound card and are running Windows 3.1. Moreover, the sounds are user configurable by editing the various .wav files that the game uses. I have included some default sounds. However, they are not the best in the world, so you may wish to edit the files using the Recorder program that comes with Windows. (If you make some really good sounds, feel free to upload them for others to use). All the features are explained in detail in the on-line help. This version (2.4) is Windows 3.0 compatible so that the game will run on any Windows system. If you find any bugs, I would appreciate it if you leave me e-mail explaining what happened. I am constantly trying to improve the game, both in terms of adding new features and eliminating bugs, so all feedback is welcomed. GAME SETUP ========== Once you have unzipped the game files, you may wish to add the game to a program group so that it may be started with a mouse click. Open the program group that you wish to add the game to and click on the File:New menu item. Choose Program Item and a dialog box will pop up. For program description type Search & Destroy 2.4. For command line type the path to the directory where the game files are followed by the program name: S&D24.EXE. For working directory type the path to the directory where the game files are. Hit ENTER and the game's icon should now be in the program group. You can also start the game by clicking on the file name from within File Manager or by typing the command line from the FILE:RUN menu item. The first time you run the game a file called S&D24.INI will be created in your Windows directory. This file will remember your deployment, game level and sound options from your previous session so you do not have to constantly reset them. Note that you always have to manually place your ships in the first game of each session despite the current deployment scheme. The S&D24.INI file will also contain your registration number should you choose to register. SHAREWARE ========= This program is SHAREWARE. If you like the game and play it often you must register by sending $10 to: Randy Baron 200 East 89th Street Apt. 25-A New York, NY 10128 I will send you a code number to enter in the Registration dialog box (accessable from the Shareware Reminder dialog box or by pressing F1 at any time). Registration disables the Shareware Reminder box and also entitles you to receive by mail the next version of the game. Please include the version number (listed in the AboutBox) when you register. Whether or not you register, comments, suggestions and criticism are always welcome. I hope you enjoy the game! Randy Baron Compuserve ID 76220,3052 DISCLAIMER ========== This game is provided AS IS. The author makes NO WARRANTIES, either express or implied, as to the fitness of the game, in general or for any particular purpose. Further, the author assumes NO RESPONSIBILITY for any damage resulting from the use of this game. ___________________________________THE_END______________________________________ 浜様様様様様様様様様様様 PD-SERVICE-LAGE-INFO 藩様様様様様様様様様様様 Verehrter Kunde 様様様様様様様 Bitte beachten Sie die folgenden Hinweise: 1) Wir sind nicht der/die Autor(n) dieses Programms. 2)Der Preis den Sie fr den Erwerb dieser Diskette/Progamms an uns gezahlt haben,bezieht sich lediglich auf unseren Kopierservice sowie Porto und an- fallende Unkosten. 3)Der Service des PD-SERVICE-LAGE beschrnkt sich lediglich auf den Vertrieb der von uns angebotenen Programme,nach den allgemein gltigen Regeln der SHAREWARE-Vertriebsform. 4)Wenn Sie dieses Programm nach abgeschlossener Test/Prfphase weiter benutzen, dann mssen Sie sich beim Autoren des Programmes registrieren lassen,und die flligen Registriergebhren an den Programmautoren berweisen. 5)Bitte senden Sie Ihre Registrierungsgebhr sowie eventuelle Fragen die sich auf das Programm beziehen,direkt an den Programmautoren und nicht an den PD-SERVICE-LAGE. 6)Alle Programme die Sie vom PD-SERVICE-LAGE beziehen sind von uns sorgfltig, auf Funktion-,Lauffhigkeit- und evtl.Virenbefall berprft worden. 7)Alle von uns angebotenen Programmdisketten/SHAREWARE-Programme,werden in regelmssigen Abstnden neu "upgedatet" und gegen die allerneuesten Programm- versionen ausgewechselt,d.h. wenn Sie dieses Programm nicht direkt vom PD-SERVICE-LAGE erhalten haben,dann mssen Sie evtl.davon ausgehen,das Sie vielleicht nicht die allerneueste,aktuelle Prg.Version in Ihren Hnden haben. 8)Gegen eine Schutzgebhr von 3,00 DM senden wir Ihnen gerne unseren aktuellen Programmkatalog ( alle 10 Tage wird unser Katalog aktualisiert ) mit ber 8000+ aktuellen deutschen & internationalen Programmen. 9)Bitte richten Sie Ihre Programm/Katalog Bestellungen an : 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 麺様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様郵 PD-SERVICE-LAGE Postfach 1743 4973 Lage/Lippe Tel. 05232-66912 von 10-14 Uhr Fax 05232-4039 BTX: *PD SERVICE# 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 ! 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