LX 1.00 Benchmark File ============================================================================== See bottom of file for benchmarking setup. A. Test 1 View all archives on DH1: (29 -lh5- archives, totalling 8 MB) Utility Version Time (sec) Command line ------- ------- ---------- ------------ 1. LV 1.00 12.07 LV >nil: -q dh1:#? 2. LhA 1.38 12.07 LhA >nil: -q v dh1:#? 3. LX/020 1.00 12.10 LX020 >nil: -q v dh1:#? 4. LX 1.00 12.14 LX >nil: -q v dh1:#? 5. LZ 1.92 13.38 LZ >nil: -N v dh1:#? 6. Haddock 1.20 20.30 HD >nil: -rQsrxE*pi-1e.09 V dh1:#? Comments: As you can see, LV, LhA, LX and LX/020 operate at almost exactly the same speed for the viewing operation. B. Test 2 Test all files in archives on DH1: (29 -lh5- archives, totalling 8 MB) Utility Version Time (sec) Options ------- ------- ---------- ------- 1. LX/020 1.00 92.45 LX020 >nil: -q t 2. LX 1.00 95.23 LX >nil: -q t 3. LhA 1.38 103.72 LhA >nil: -q t 4. LZ 1.92 115.67 LZ >nil: -N t Comments: LX and LX/020 show their speed, a combination of optimised assembly language, and asynchronous disk i/o. C. Test 3 Test one large file in RAM: (410K archived, 1500K decompressed, -lh5-) Utility Version Time (sec) Options ------- ------- ---------- ------- 1. LX/020 1.00 4.93 LX020 >nil: -q t 2. LX 1.00 5.35 LX >nil: -q t 3. LhA 1.38 5.42 LhA >nil: -q t 4. LZ 1.92 10.98 LZ >nil: -N t Comments: Testing entirely in RAM, the asynchronous disk i/o advantage of LX is nullified, and, in fact, becomes a deficiency, although it remains faster than LhA. D. Test 4 Test one large file in RAM: (410K archived, 1500K decompressed, -lh1-) Utility Version Time (sec) Options ------- ------- ---------- ------- 1. LX/020 1.00 12.25 LX020 >nil: -q t 2. LX 1.00 12.75 LX >nil: -q t 3. LhA 1.38 15.34 LhA >nil: -q t 4. LZ 1.92 22.35 LZ >nil: -N t Comments: LX and LX/020 are far faster at decompressing -lh1- archives. E. Test 5 Test all files in archives on DF0: (1 -lh5- archive, total 817K) Utility Version Time (sec) Options ------- ------- ---------- ------- 1. LX 1.00 55.22 LX >nil: -q t 2. LX/020 1.00 55.30 LX020 >nil: -q t 3. LhA 1.38 80.68 LhA >nil: -q t 4. LZ 1.92 96.27 LZ >nil: -N t Comments: Demonstrates the advantage of LX's asynchronous disk i/o. As a sidenote, here are the stats for the 'copy' command (copy the archive from DF0: to RAM:) Utility Version Time (sec) ------- ------- ---------- Copy 38.1 39.21 ============================================================================== The above benchmarks were performed using: Amiga 3000 (25 MHz 68030) 6 MB Fast RAM, 2 MB Chip RAM 52 MB Quantum LPS All archivers and the timing program (RTimer) were in RAM: All console output was suppressed in all tests. The computer was re-booted between each test to avoid memory fragmentation. The Data and Instruction caches of the 68030 were enabled, as was BURST mode (for both Data and Instructions). These benchmarks provide a very general idea of the speed improvement of LX over other archives. Your mileage will vary. ==============================================================================