=========================================================================== Title : Siege of Yelsmoor Date Finished : 4/4/96 Author : Jake & Matt Sheets Email Address : sheets@sisna.com Other Files By Author : None yet Description : Defend your base(Red), against an onslaught of Orcs(Black) from land, and Humans(Blue) from sea. Additional Credits to : Blizzard, for making the Win95 editor, and You, if you like this PUD ;) =========================================================================== * Type of Warcraft file * New level PUD : Yes * Play Information * Single Player : Yes, recommended Cooperative 2-8 Player : It might be kinda cool, but I haven't tried it yet New Sounds : No Strange stuff : Check out the Wily E. Coyote face in the southern Mountains of Gulth (87,24) I don't know how I did it, but it's kinda cool * The Story * In this senerio, You have captured the dreaded "Zeagefg". After a long interrogation he confessed that the Gulthian armada is massing to strike a blow to your Navel facilities. If successful, you would have no defense against further invasions from the sea. As you prepare to execute the War criminal, you hear the "War Gong" ring over the castle. The horde is trying take Yelsmoor! "Blast it!", you think. They must be working together! After sending a pigeon to your nearest allies for some assistance, you mount your horse and head to the main gate. As you join the frey, you realize the this is NOT going to be pretty! * Construction * Base : New map Build Time : 11 hours Known Bugs : None, except it might slow down during the beginning... Mwaaa Haaaa haaahahahaaa * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY NOT use this level as a base to build additional maps. Because that would be naughty :P You MAY distribute this PUD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this PUD * *** Please E-mail me with your opinion of this PUD *** Feedback=Fun sheets@sisna.com =(:o{B) Duhyup Duhyuppers Inc.