1:08AM 4/25/96 ********************************** * The Battle of the Shivan * * Island * * * * Version 3.20 * ********************************** Descripton: The orcs have overrun the legendary Shivan Island, you are commanded to establish a offensive attack and shut down the orcs main stronghold. It is rumored that a nomadic group of humans wandered onto the island months ago, and it's unknown what they think of you. You have been warned about the ambushes on the island, the orcs are master hunters and trappers. You now know your mission, lead your fearless men in. But be warned, no one has ever returned from Shivan Island. Author's Notes: I have refined and rewritten this map many times. It is hard and takes a long time because of the high resources. This is mainly a one player pud, but I have tested it with multiplayer games and works great. Oh, one more tip. Be VERY careful where you put buildings. If you don't think about where a building is going it will likely be destroyed early. Specs ------ Author: Arcanar # of players: 1 (more players can be added, try it.) Starting Race: Humans Tileset: Forest Map Size: Large Starting Color: Blue Difficulty: Moderate to Hard Resources: High Feel free to distrubute this file as you like as long as you include this unaltered text file with the unaltered pud. If you are interested in other puds, Email me at CanisLupis@worldnet.att.net and I'll give you a complete list. Ok, this is the end. You could be slicing through orcs by now! GO PLAY WAR 2! I said that that was the END!!! You must really like reading or are you just afraid of orcs.............