Northwinds Chapter IV Assault at Rockwall "Rockwall will be in my estimation one of my proudest victories of the War Years. It was the decisive turning point in the war." Admiral Proudmoore Northwinds, Crusade in Winter "Lovitar-with the victory at Tirsa, the orcs were nominally in controll of the continent. But we had a window of opportunity where a good attack could break their hold in the west completely. But no effective counterattack could begin until their primary defensive position in the west was destroyed-Rockwall. And since they knew we were coming, we would only have one shot at it if we were going to be able to establish a foothold before reinforcements arrived to secure the coastal fortifications." Military Tactics and Strategies of the War Years "Rockwall was a stroke of Military Architectural Genius by Tupak(Rockwall Commander). He Had built a Coastal fortification that required a small division to control it, but could very nearly withstand a full scale invasion on our part. In later years we adopted this format for some of our own strongholds" Trumball Halfaxe, Engineer Corps Stromgarde Rockwall will be a much more aggressive test of your abilities. It is different from most other PUD's in the sense that the resources are pretty much set. you start out with alot of resources, but that will be all you will get. This has three basic stages to the strategy and a slight but very devastating alteration to one of the units(pay attention to your scouts)! You will need to protect your units at all costs because you'll need every one of them! The purpose of Rockwall is to extend the strategy of the Tirsa PUD, but at a faster, costlier pace.