Portals =========================================================== TITLE: Portals Filename:Portals.PUD Author: Joe Capaldi (demigod) Email address: Misc. Author Info: This is my best Pud. It took me 1 hour to get everything just right and then I had to test it a few times to fix the A.I. I got them powerful enough to go with the story Description: After the Dark Portal went boom, you were stranded in Draenor. Presuing another portal, you have sucuessfully landed on the other side. But now you have to send the rest. Unfortunately, this new portal has been sealed. The orcs don't know the knowledge to reopen it but they have rallied to make sure that you go with them to the Afterlife. Hints: Pray. Kill all orcs. and use your heroes wisely. Additional Credits to: Blizzard, me, and all my friends who tested this to make it perfect. ======================================================================== *PLAY INFORMATION* Game: Warcraft II (1.33 required) # of REAL PLAYERS: 1, but you can make it 2. # of Computer Players: 6 (But 2 are passive) Race: Human Resources: Set in already (Map Default) Units: A lot. Known Bugs: I don't know what will happen if you run this on a version less than 1.33. Download it from Blizzard. ==================================================================== *Copyright/ Permission* I don't care what you do with this. Just give me credit and don't change the landscape. You can give it to anyone. Anyway possible.