TITLE : Finders keepers FILENAME : Kzin.pud AUTHER : Graham Panton EMAIL ADDRESS : Graham.Panton@btinternet.com DESCRIPTION : Loads of gold and trees and something else, hummm now what was it, oh yes LOADS of bad guys. Thats all there is enjoy the level, my first and last. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player, if you want more edit the level. * Copyright / Permissions * None that i can think off, alter the level to your hearts content, if its better send me a copy. * Where to get this level * BBS : Maverick (Good BBS, good file area, helpfull Sysop call and say Hi) 0161 973 3797 : The Field (Very good file area, free bbs and helpfull sysops) 01706 868997 Somewhere on the web not sure yet.