The Great War - Part V As far as we can tell, the rebels are split into clans, like the cursed orcs before them. The largest and most powerful of these is Clan Firestorm, which flies a blood red banner. This is the clan that seems to do all the fighting but the more subtle missions are taken care of by the other clans. A clan of willingly enslaved Ogres, the self-proclaimed Reaper Clan, consists of the remanent Ogre forces that fled to the mountains after the Second Orc War. We do not yet know why or how they joined together once more except that they have an alliance with the rebels. Our paladins sense evil forces in within the mountains of the Swamps of the Dead, which isn't unnatural since they are the Swamps of the Dead. But these powers seem to be of a more arcane nature than the roaming undead of the swamps. A small portion of the swamp extends to the moutain where you rescued Zulcran. The main entrance, however, was guarded by Paladins and two guard towers during the Second Orc War, but now only the towers are remain. These gates were named the gates to Haydes, because of the demons that issued forth from within them in years past. Many have entered these gates and only a handful have returned. Three years ago four mages entered the mountain caverns in an attempt to destroy the demons within. They failed, however, and haven't been heard from since. You have been sent to the gates with only a peasant and a footman guard. If any rebel activity is spotted then crush it quickly before it can warn others of the assault. You must assemble a force and enter the mountain through one of it's entrances. Once inside you must find the source of the evil and destroy it if possible. Remember, these mountains where homes to malevolent creatures in times past, and evil does not leave places easily once spawned.