This is the first mission to be played. After completing this mission, read elven2.txt, then load elven2.pud. Scene #1 of Elven Kingdom. Warcraft 2 Scenario: ELVEN1.PUD Date of Creation : September 1996 # Players : 1 Map Size : 128 x 128 Assigned Race : Human Enemy Race : Orc Allied Race : Human You awake to find a scroll next to you. It reads: "King Terenas has requested that you be the new regional commander of Tarren Mill. This town has been a supply line for a nearby Stormgrade town. Lately the outpost has been attacked by orc units and the former commander couldn't handle it. You are to be his replacement." Your mission: There are two orcish outposts in the area, one of the Bleeding Hollow Clan, and the other of the Black Tooth Grin Clan. You are to destroy both these outposts and leave no remains. You must help the Stormgarde warriors defeat these enemy encampments. It would be wise to first set up a perimeter defense, due to your position. Good Luck!