With your recent success in the North, the orcs are beginning to become desperate. They have struck back in the deep South by besieging a couple of friendly cities. They swarmed over tiny Dun'Juriel and even now threaten the larger city of Dun'Yeuer. It is your mission to break the siege on Dun'Yeuer and eventually recover the smaller Dun'Juriel. Only you can beat back this latest threat and offer us a measure of security on our Southern borders. You have few men and little time. Good luck Commander..... Note: This is one of my first attempts on WC2. I have tried to make this level somewhat difficult without being impossible. It should be easy enough that you can conquer it without any of the cheats. You will also find that the fog of war works definitely to your advantage. Anyway, I hope that you have fun. Please feel free to offer any constructive criticism-- good or bad. You may e-mail me at renegade@dwx.com. I'll look forward to your replies and, hopefully, soon I'll have another level for you. Dave