!!!!IMPORTANT WARNING!!!! Virus Alert avoid "DSKSLV3.DMS" It has come to my attention that a perverted version of DiskSalv, chock full of viruses, has been circulating. This program, which is the result of some morons, apparently in Germany, should not be used under any circumstances. The program, at least in the form I received, is in a DMS archive called DSKSLV3.DMS. The program itself is 106584 bytes long, though of course that's easily subject to change. The DMS archive also contains a custom boot block, some Commodore-copyrighted libs: files, and a silly log-on message: D.L.T. => DRAGON LASER TEAM Presents: DISKSALV v3.01 DLT In Future Still PRESENT!!! 1. KEEP YOURSELF SAFE The flaws here should be apparent, but I'll spell them out just so anyone listening can avoid this sort of bullshit in the future. 1) Real DiskSalv is only distributed in LHA archives. Please reject any other distribution format, other than an official Fred Fish disk release. 2) Real DiskSalv would never include Commodore-copyrighted materials in the distribution. 3) Real DiskSalv would under no circumstances identify a group of fools like this as having anything to do with it. I only distribute it complete with the various support files -- installer scripts, text files, documentation, etc. 4) Real DiskSalv 3 is not Shareware, and would under no circumstances be distributed over a BBS. Please reject anything called DiskSalv that's not called DiskSalv 2. It's pretty easy to make sure you get DiskSalv, or other freeware, via reliable channels. Fish disks or on-line services I upload directly to (BIX and Portal) are your best bet. Most othe major services have folks who check these things out for you. I imagine that most lower- level BBSs are safe, but again, you never know if uploads are verified or if the BBS itself it trying to propagate a virus. Keep in mind that any BBS willing to redistribute commercial software is probably not too concerned about trashing your system either. And you can always sign up for updates direct from me, you don't have to rely on the BBS at all. 2. TO THE "DLT" JERKS I don't know what drives such morons to do something like this, perhaps frustration with their inadequacies or something like that. Any bozo can screw up another person's code and install a virus program, it's no sign of programming skill, it's not going to qualify you as a hacker or anything. It's plain and simple vandalism. It just makes you a criminal, and a stupid one at that, since you're causing random damage and not profiting from it yourself. It's the computer equivalent of spray painting rude comments on a public wall somewhere. Anyone who could write a real program wouldn't waste their time with this kind of stuff. I suppose that's about it. I don't know what I can do other than warn everyone. I suppose if I ran into one of these guys and knew it, I might have to seriously consider cleaning their clock(s) (in case you're listening you assholes, have no doubts about my abilities in this particular area). I'm generally not a violent person, but some things can't help but get my Irish up, and this hits that button about dead center. If anyone knows any more details about how this thing came to be, I would be very grateful to have such information. I do make it to Germany every now and again. I would also really appreciate any help in killing this archive, or anything like it, on your local BBS. If no one distributes it, it can't hurt anyone.