Other Tools

This document describes several additional, optional tools that work together with Newt's Cape to provide more functionality:


HnewTML from Serg Koren helps you add HTML markup to Notepad text.


nHTML from Adam Tow helps you create HTML on Newton.


HTMList is a simple 2.x HTML authoring tool that exports a Newton Notes Outline or Checklist to HTML source (as another Note), or adds bookmarks to Newt's Cape.

Personal Media

Personal Media from Gaia Software helps you organize large numbers of handwritten notes, text and forms.


PaperBack is a free application for Macintosh and Windows from Dave Fedor. Paperback can be a convenient way to download HTML source text to the Newton.

Newt's Paper

Newt's Paper from Serg Koren is a newsgroup reader. Newt's Cape will pass news: URLs to Newt's Paper; Newt's Paper can call Newt's Cape with http: URLs. Other newsreaders (InkSpot, PaperBoy) listed on Newt's Cape page.

Newt's Weather

Newt's Weather from Serg Koren displays weather information. Newt's Weather can call Newt's Cape with http: URLs.


Palmedia Player and Image Transfer from Lee Moon transfers and displays graphics and animations. (see examples.htm).


Minico font from Michael Peay is a fixed-width "Monaco-like" font. (Good for <PRE> tags).


Newt's Cape is not a mail reader, though if you have a mail transport installed, it can process mailto:. Information about several Newton mail programs:


urlCop from Flash Sheridan may be useful for dispatching different URLS, e.g., http:, ftp:, mailto:, etc. between multiple NIE apps.

Bookmark Managers

Two URL/Bookmark managers import/export Newt's Cape's bookmarks, and use Newt's Cape to access URLs:


The NewtPack plug-in saves applications and books as packages directly on the Newton. You can obtain it when you register for Newt's Cape (or Newt Development Environment).


Sloup is a utility for transferring paragraphs or tab-delimited text between desktop files and Newton soup entries (and for typing text and inspecting values) via a terminal emulator and communication (serial or ADSP) connection.

Sloup can be used to:

Newt's Cape registration includes Sloup (normally $10).

EE Transfer

EE Transfer can transfer HTML and GIF source to your Inbox using a terminal emulator via Zmodem and other protocols.


BitSound is a small Newton application (built with the Newt Development Environment) that lets you display graphics and play sounds, from ROM (built-in) or soups (see Sloup). Scroll long lists or remove entries with gestures.

Newt's Cape Graphics Converter


Newt's Cape Graphics Converter (NCGC) converts various graphics file formats for downloading into the Newton, so they can be referenced by HTML documents processed by Newt's Cape. Images can be used in books, or used to create custom icons for books.

NCGC is a separate application available for both Macintosh (68k/PPC) and Windows. Depending on the platform, NCGC will convert different file formats: the Windows version converts BMP and GIF files, the Macintosh version converts PICT and GIF files. With this version of NCGC, Sloup is required for loading the graphics into the Newton soup. Once in a soup, graphics can be referenced from HTML and saved in books; soups can then be erased, if desired.

Conversion Process

NCGC converts the input graphic to a 1-bit (single color) or gray scale image, optionally resizing it. The conversion is a multi-step process at this point in time, but this will most likely change in the future.

Note: NCGC Windows is a 32-bit application; meaning it will multitask under WindowsNT and Windows 95. It requires Windows 3.11 or higher to operate -- Windows 3.1+Win32s does not work.

Using NCGC

Suppose you have a GIF file called "face.gif". Here is the process you would follow to get it into the book.

  1. Start the NCGC Application
  2. From the File menu select Convert... (alternatively, you can drag and drop the file in Windows or Macintosh.
  3. Using the "open file dialog box" select the "face.gif" file and select OK
  4. The image information dialog box opens. Its controls are listed next.
This is the name of the graphic as referenced by your HTML file(s).
This is the name of the soup the graphic is stored in on the Newton. If the soup is named "pictures" you would reference the file from HTML using <img src="pictures/face"> This allows you to organize graphics into different soups.
If this checkbox is marked, any existing name conflicts will be overridden when the graphic is downloaded.
Check this if you plan on using this image as a book icon. Newt's Cape will automatically scale it to 30x30, without giving you any choice.
If resize? is checked, NCGC will scale the image in proportion to the Newton screen only if it is too big. Normally you should keep this checked, as large images take up heap and can't be completely shown on the Newton screen.
Note: The scaling algorithm is rather primitive, so if you're looking for quality, use something else like Photoshop™ or any of the shareware/freeware graphics packages.
NCGC converts all colors to either black or white based on their brightness values. The threshold value controls the average brightness value, between 0 and 100, and should usually be around 50.
Currently disabled.
Cancels the Image conversion.
If there are no errors, a Save File... dialog box will open, asking you for a filename. NCGC creates a Sloup text file containing the graphic image and all the attributes you selected. The next step is to get the file into the Newton.

Sending the file to the Newton

Now that the graphic is converted (saved in a Sloup file) you will send this file to a tethered Newton running Sloup.

  1. Start Sloup on a tethered Newton.
  2. Start a terminal program on your desktop machine. We don't provide any software for doing communication communications from the desktop at this point in time. You can use nearly any terminal program, as long as it supports Xon/Xoff handshaking for serial (or ADSP). If Xon/Xoff is not enabled, data may be lost.
  3. Send the text file to the Newton using one of these methods:

Using the converted image

...as an image in a book

If all went well you are ready to use this graphic in your Newton Books by referencing it as:
<IMG SRC="soup/imagename">

For example:

<IMG SRC="bitmaps/newtlogo.gif">

...as a book icon

The image must have been saved with ICON? checked to be used as a book icon. Then, include the following META line in the HEAD section:
<META NAME="ICON" CONTENT="bitmaps/myIcon">

Removing Images from the Newton

When the book is saved the graphic is copied from the soup, so if you only want to use the graphic once, you can save space on your Newton by removing the soup or soup entry after you have saved the book. There are a number of 3rd party tools available for doing this such as StewPot, RemoveIt, or BitSound.

Known Limitations

We don't recommend using large graphics, such as those larger than the Newton screen. Large graphics take up memory (heap) -- a scarce resource on today's Newtons. This graphic functionality (NCGC) is provided as a stopgap, and the implementation is sure to change.

Application Ideas

Because graphics are loaded into soups you specify, you can organize graphics into separate soups. Some graphics you might want to keep around longer than others if you use them often in books; e.g., a fancy divider bar or company logo. Other graphics you will want to delete from your Newton once you have saved them in a book; e.g., portraits for a employee dossier. Finally, if you reference a graphic which doesn't exist, Newt's Cape won't crash. It will display any ALT text you have specified in the IMG attribute list, or a 'missing picture' icon.

Final Notes

NCGC does not convert the images into raw 'bitmap' representations -- at least not just 0's and 1's; since there is no compression in this representation. Instead, NCGC converts the images into Macintosh PICT-1, which can become quite compact if the image doesn't contain a lot of dithering. Before NCGC, only Macintosh users using ResEdit could generate PICT files; and these weren't always PICT-1 files (the only version Newton supports). Now, PC and Mac users can take advantage of small-medium image objects. Of course, if you have Newton ToolKit, this was never a problem, since it does the conversion from BMP or PICT-1/2 to PICT-1 when it compiles an application.

Icons for books must be saved as bitmaps, however. Simply check the Icon? checkbox in NCGC.

Extract Package

To obtain packages created on a 1.x or 2.x Newton, you need a utility to extract or upload packages. For 1.x Newtons, use Newton Connection Kit to backup your Newton. (For NOS 2.x, see PackageBuddy next). Use a Mac or Windows version of Extract Package to copy packages from the backup file.


For NOS 2.x systems, PackageBuddy, Newton Package Uploader, or X-Port can be used to upload packages directly from Extras to a Mac or Windows client. There is also an older beta tool (named "Toss") that could be used with any terminal emulator (using Ymodem protocol).

Newt Development Environment

You could use Newt to write and test NewtonScript methods to embed in a book. Newt provides application examples and additional plug-ins for advanced NewtonScript programming: platform functions, error messages and constants libraries. You can use NCGC to create graphics and icons for use in regular Newt applications. NewtDevEnv info

Registered users of Newt's Cape can register Newt for $40; registered Newt users can register Newt's Cape for $30.

For More Info

This document (in all its formats) is © 1995-98. Steve Weyer, Greg Simon. All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Version 1.5. Last updated: Jan 1998

Steve Weyer - weyer@kagi.com
Greg Simon - gsimon@ricochet.net