ScrapBoard for Windows version 3.10 ~~~~~~~~~~ Petr Pitrinec Copyright (c) 1994, 95 Sgt. Logic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ScrapBoard is a shareware program (utility) expected to speed up your work -- document, spreadsheet, drawing and source code creation, etc. The ScrapBoard allows you to make files of your mostly used data -- pieces of (formatted) text, pictures, spreadsheets, bitmaps, etc. -- and RETRIEVE and COPY these data over clipboard to another application VERY QUICKLY. Once you have created a ScrapBoard file, program allows you to edit data, use multiple views to data, delete data, etc. Except that, the ScrapBoard can be used like tool organising your (formatted) data (database of addresses, pictures database, etc.). The ScrapBoard can SAVE you from these (and some other) PROBLEMS: 1) You want to copy some piece of data (text, e.g.) to your document, but you do not remember where it is. 2) You want to copy some piece of data to your document but retrieving of these data takes pretty long time. 3) When you want to copy multiple types of data (text, picture, bitmap, spreadsheet, etc.) you have to run several applications and open several files. 4) You are using some phrase very frequently, but when you want to use it again you have to search for it in the document, copy it to the clipboard, move cursor to the desired position and paste it. Pretty slow, isn't it? The ScrapBoard offers you these ADVANTAGES: 1) The ScrapBoard allows you to retrieve and copy data to the clipboard very quickly. 2) The ScrapBoard allows you to create files of your mostly used data very easy. 3) The ScrapBoard allows you to collect data of different nature (texts, pictures, bitmaps, spreadsheets, etc.). For example, if you have several templates of your documents and drawings in a several formats (Word, PowerPoint, CorelDraw, elc.) you can concentrate all these templates to the one file - ScrapBoard file. 4) The ScrapBoard can save data in any format. 5) The ScrapBoard is native and interactive. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To install the ScrapBoard application to your system run install.exe program. Before you start installation see the requirements and read help in the installation program. Note: It is not necessary to install ScrapBoard using installation program. It is also possible to copy all files from the installation disk to a directory and the scrapboard.ini file to Windows directory (ussualy C:\WINDOWS). The sample files and unzip with the parameter -d. This is important because data has hierarchical structure! Requirements ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Windows 3.1 or later - 400 Kbytes on your hard drive * - ctl3dv2.dll library *Note: If the system directory of your Windows (usually C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM) doesn't contain the ctl3dv2.dll yet, than copy the ctl3dv2.dll there.The ctl3dv2.dll file is on the installation disk but it is not copied to your hard drive during the installation automatically. Neither installation program nor the ScrapBoard cannont run without this library. Distributor ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Problems report to our address: Petr Pitrinec Sgt. Logic Severni 1025 54941 Cerveny Kostelec Czech Republic EUROPE E-mail: