
Section: File Formats (5)
Updated: February 18, 1998
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wwwoffle.conf - The configuration file for the proxy server for the World Wide Web Offline Explorer.  


The wwwoffle.conf file contains the configuration for the wwwoffled proxy HTTP server part of the World Wide Web Offline Explorer program.

The file is split into sections, each of which has a format similar to a C function (see the example below). The section has a name, followed on the next line by an open brace '{', followed on the next lines by a list of names and values separated by an equals sign '=', the section ends with a close brace

The StartUp section can contain the following:

http-port = <port>
The port number to use on the local host as the HTTP proxy (default=8080).
wwwoffle-port = <port>
The port number to use on the local host as the wwwoffle control port (default=8081).
spool-dir = <dirname>
The name of the spool directory to use for the cache. A subdirectory is created in this for each new web server that is contacted (default=/var/spool/wwwoffle).
run-uid = <username> | <uid> | none |
The username of numeric uid to run the wwwoffle server with. To use this option, the program must be started by root.
run-gid = <groupname> | <gid> | none |
The groupname of numeric gid to run the wwwoffle server with. To use this option, the program must be started by root.
use-syslog = yes | no
The syslog facility can be used to log the important error messages. (default=yes).
password = <word> | none |
The authorisation password that is required to use the wwwoffle program to configure the server or use the interactive control page (default=none). If this is not present, or set to an empty string or 'none' then there is no password required. If there is a password set, then the -c option to wwwoffle must be used, and the file wwwoffle.conf should be made readable only by authorised users.
max-servers = <integer>
max-fetch-servers = <integer> The maximum number of servers processes that are started (default=8). The maximum number of server processes that are forked to fetch pages that were requested in offline mode (default = 4). The max-fetch-servers value must be less than max-servers or you will not be able to use wwwoffle interactively online while fetching.

The Options section contains other options that configure the server.

log-level = debug | info | important | warning | fatal
The error messages that have a priority the same as that specified or greater are recorded on the output, either syslog or stderr (see wwwoffled(1)).
fetch-images = yes | no
When pages are requested while offline and downloaded later, there is a choice of whether to fetch the images from these pages as well (default=no).
fetch-frames = yes | no
When pages are requested while offline and downloaded later, there is a choice of whether to fetch the frames from these pages as well (default=no).
index-latest-days = <age>
The maximum age in days of pages to show in the index of the latest pages (default=7).
add-info-refresh = yes | no
The option to add into the bottom of all of the spooled pages the date that the page was cached and a refresh button (default=no). This uses the first entry in the LocalHost section as the server name.
request-changed = <time>
While online pages will only be fetched if the cached version is older than this specified time in seconds (default=600). A negative value will force the cache to always be used in preference.
pragma-no-cache = yes | no
Whether to request a new copy of a page if the request has 'Pragma: no-cache' (default=yes). This option should be set to 'no' if when browsing offline all pages are re-requested by a 'broken' browser.
offline-requests = yes | no
Whether to record requests that are made while offline or to return an error (default=yes).
monitor-interval = <age>
The interval in days between monitoring of the specified URLs (default=7 days). When this option is set to 0 it means to check each time wwwoffle is online, 1 means once per day, etc.

The LocalHost section contains a list of possible names or IP addresses that the host running wwwoffled may be known as.

The server may be known as hostname so does not need to contact itself to get pages. All of the entries here are also used as if they were in the LocalNet and AllowConnect sections. None of the entries here are fetched via a proxy.

The LocalNet section contains a list of host names or IP addresses that are not to be cached because they are on the local network.

A server that matches hostname is on the local network and not to be cached. The match is done from the right so that domain names can be used to match all hosts in the domain, IP addresses match from the left. All entries here are assumed to be reachable even when offline. All of the entries in the LocalHost section are also not cached as if they were here also. None of the entries here are fetched via a proxy.

The AllowedConnect section contains a list of host names or IP addresses that are allowed to connect to the server.

A server that matches hostname is allowed to connect to the server. The match is done from the right so that domain names can be used to match all hosts in the domain, IP addresses match from the left. All of the entries in the LocalHost section are also allowed to connect.

The DontCache section contains a way of recognising URLs not to be cached. They will still be cached however if it is fetched non-interactively.

default = ...
By default don't cache files that match the right hand side. Note that default can occur more than once with different right hand sides.
For URLs that match HOST-SPECIFICATION don't cache files that match the right hand side. See the HOST SPECIFICATION section for details of the HOST-SPECIFICATION option.
FILE-SPECIFICATION When getting files from the specified left hand side servers don't cache any that match FILE-SPECIFICATION See the FILE SPECIFICATION section for details of the FILE-SPECIFICATION option.

The DontGet section contains a way of recognising URLs not to be got. This can be used to reject junk adverts for example.

See the DontCache section for a description of the options in this section.

The DontGetRecursive section contains a way of recognising URLs not to be got when getting recursively.

See the DontCache section for a description of the options in this section.

The CensorHeader section contains a list of the header lines that are to be removed from the request sent from the browser to the server.

The lines in the request that start with header , followed by a ':' are removed before being passed to the server.

The FTPOptions section contains the information that is required to be able to do anonymous ftp.

anon-username = <string>
Specifies the username to use to fetch files using ftp (default is "anonymous", "ftp" is another option).
anon-password = <string>
Specifies the password to use to fetch files using ftp (default is determined from the user running wwwoffled and the hostname, this may not work reliably especially if you are behind a firewall).
auth-hostname = <host[:port]>
auth-username = <string> auth-password = <string> Specifies a triplet of hostname, username and password that allow non-anonymous access to a specific server. (These options must come in groups of three.)

The MIMETypes section is a list of the mime type to associate with files that are not fetched using HTTP. This is required by browsers, most browsers come with a list that can be used here.

default = <mime-type>/<subtype>
The default MIME type to use for files that do not match any of the other rules.
.<file-ext> = <mime-type>/<subtype>
The MIME type to use for files that match the file extension.

The Proxy section contains a list of the hosts that are to be served via specified proxy servers. If no proxy is required then use 'none' or leave the proxy name blank.

default = <hostname:[port]> | none |
Specifies the default proxy that all requests are to use.
For URLs that match HOST-SPECIFICATION use the specified proxy. See the HOST SPECIFICATION section for details of the HOST-SPECIFICATION option.
auth-hostname = <host[:port]>
auth-username = <string> auth-password = <string> Specifies a proxy server host that requires proxy authentication by username and password to use it. (These options must come in groups of three.)

None of the entries in the LocalHost or LocalNet section are fetched using a proxy.

The Mirror section allows alternate servers to be specified that are to be used in preference to the one specified in a URL. This also allows multiple names for the same server to be linked together so that a single spool directory is used.

protocol1/hostname1 = protocol2/hostname2
When protocol1 is used to access hostname1 the request is modified into a request for hostname2 using protocol2 , the two are also considered identical for the purposes of indexing, purging and recursive fetching.
hostname1 = hostname2
When hostname1 is accessed the request is modified into a request for hostname2 for any of the protcols, the two are also considered identical for the purposes of indexing, purging and recursive fetching.

A symbolic link in the cache between protocol1/hostname1 and protocol2/hostname2 will have the same effect as specifying them in the config file. The links are only checked when wwwoffle starts or when 'wwwoffle -config' is run.

The Purge section controls how the cache is purged. The method to determine which pages to purge, the default age, the host specific maximum age of the pages in days, and a maximum allowed cache size. An age of zero means to always delete when a purge is done, a negative age means never purge. The maximum cache size excludes the files that are from hosts that are marked never to be purged.

use-mtime = yes | no
The decision of which pages to purge can be made on last access time (atime) or last modification time (mtime) (default=no).
max-size = <size>
The maximum size of the cache in MB, excluding the hosts that are never to be purged, if this is zero then it does not apply (default=0).
default = <age>
The age to purge hosts that are not otherwise specified here (default=28).
The age to purge hosts with URLs that match HOST-SPECIFICATION See the HOST SPECIFICATION section for details of the HOST-SPECIFICATION option.



When specifying a host and protocol in many of the sections a HOST-SPECIFICATION can be used, this is a way of recognising a URL.

For the purposes of this explanation a URL is considered to be made up of three parts.

The protocol that is used (e.g. http, ftp)
The server hostname (e.g. www.gedanken.demon.co.uk) or a domain name (e.g. demon.co.uk) or an IP address (e.g. or a subnet (e.g. 1.2.3).
The port number on the host (e.g. default of 80 for HTTP).

For example the wwwoffle homepage: http://www.gedanken.demon.co.uk/wwwoffle/ The protocol is 'http', the host is 'www.gedanken.demon.co.uk', the port is the default (in this case 80).

A HOST-SPECIFICATION can be any one of the following

Any protocol, Any host, Any port
Any protocol, Named host, Default port
Any protocol, Named host, Specified port
Any protocol, Named host, Any port
Named protocol, Any host, Any port
Named protocol, Named host, Default port
Named protocol, Named host, Specified port
Named protocol, Named host, Any port

Where [] indicates an optional feature, and <> indicate a user supplied name or number.

Several of the sections allow a FILE-SPECIFICATION to be entered, this is a way of recognising the path part of a URL.

A FILE-SPECIFICATION can be either of the following:

Any file with a path that start with the specified one.
Any file that ends with the specified file extension.

Where <> indicate a user supplied name or number. (The '/' or '.' at the start is not optional.)



  http-port     = 8080
  wwwoffle-port = 8081
  spool-dir     = /var/spool/wwwoffle
  use-syslog    = yes
  password      =

  fetch-images      = yes
  index-latest-days = 14
  add-info-refresh  = no
  request-changed   = 3600




  http/foo.com = www-cache.foo.com:8080

  default  = 28
  max-size = 10
  bar.com  = 7


CONFDIR/wwwoffle.conf The wwwoffled(8) configuration file.

SPOOLDIR The wwwoffle spool directory.  


wwwoffle(1), wwwoffled(8).  


Andrew M. Bishop 1996,1997,1998 (amb@gedanken.demon.co.uk)




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