About SGMLSTOS.LZH ------------------ SMLGSTOS.LZH is the SGMLS parser for Atari TOS computers. SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language) is an ISO standard to describe text structure. Those that are new to SGML should start reading comp.text.sgml and/or read one of the books about SGML. Included in the archive are: LICENSE a file containing the SGMLS license SGMLS.TTP the SGMLS executable SGMLS.TXT ASCII documentation for SGMLS SGMLS.HYP documentation for SGMLS in ST-Guide hypertext format. SGMLS.REF reference file for the hypertext file. RAST.TTP Reference Application for SGML Testing. Uses the output of SGMLS.TTP RAST.TXT ASCII documentation for RAST RAST.HYP documentation for RAST in ST-Guide hypertext format. RAST.REF reference file for the hypertext file. If you have any questions about the Atari versions of these programs, you can reach me by e-mail: wmpeen@urc.tue.nl or error@stack.urc.tue.nl Enjoy! Erlend Nagel.