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The BASIS Advantage is a newsletter for Business BASIC software developers. It's published four times a year by BASIS International Ltd., and it's filled with valuable programming tips and marketing advice.

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From tips to trips, the Summer issue of The BASIS Advantage brings it all to you. Selling your product in a fluctuating market can be tricky business. But the way to gain a competitive edge is to get Back to Basics and do the basics better than anyone else. Maile Foster, BASIS Marketing Manager, details the basic sales call steps in the last section of her Back to Basics article.

Everyone runs into debugging problems sooner or later. In System Debugging, Russ Kepler details the advantages of a structured approach to this computer fact of life, and some detailed how-to tips. And speaking of "tips," in her TAOS Tips column Teresa Dominguez answers some of the more difficult FAQs.

The Summer Advantage Includes:

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