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5. New Features in MAE Version 2

This chapter introduces new features of MAE version 2:


Version 2 of MAE includes several special features in addition to enhanced performance. The following sections introduce the new features, which are described in greater detail in Appendix B of the MAE User's Guide.


AppleTalk networking software is included with MAE Version 2. AppleTalk allows you to use a wide variety of Macintosh networking features to share files, control file access, print documents on network printers, access information from other MAE users and Macintosh computers, and link your programs with programs on other computers.

File sharing

With file sharing, you can connect to other computers and access files you want to use, and you can share the contents of your directories and disks with users of other computers. You can also specify who can have access to your directories and disks and what level of access they are granted.

For further information, see Chapter 7 of the MAE User's Guide.

Program linking

Program linking allows programs and their files to exchange information. Program linking is dependent on the specific applications. See your application's documentation for information on the application's program-linking capabilities.

You can link programs on your computer to programs on other computers to share features. For example, you could link a word-processing program to a dictionary program to check the meanings and spellings of words. Or one program might instruct another to perform a specific action, such as adding a row to a spreadsheet or changing a font.

Program linking allows you to decide who can link to the programs on your computer and to specify what programs they can link to.

For further information, see Chapter 7 of the MAE User's Guide.

AppleTalk printing

With MAE version 2 you can easily print to a PostScript printer connected through AppleTalk. This allows you to control printing through dialog boxes instead of having to use UNIX print commands and their options.

For further information, see Chapter 4 of this guide.

MacTCP support

MAE version 2 supports the Macintosh implementation of the TCP/IP networking protocol; see Chapter 7 of the MAE User's Guide.

Dynamic resizing of the MAE window

MAE version 2 allows you to resize the MAE window dynamically, using your workstation's X window controls.

You can also resize the window with the Monitors control panel. See Appendix B of the MAE User's Guide.


MAE version 2 now supports the full range of sounds that the Macintosh supports. See Appendix B of the MAE User's Guide.

Network control panel

The Network control panel allows you to select which of your network interfaces you wish to use. See Appendix B of the MAE User's Guide.

Macintosh System 7.5 enhancements

MAE version 2 contains some of the new features to be found in System 7.5, which are described in the following sections.

New desktop patterns

The Desktop Patterns control panel provides a wide array of desktop patterns. The control panel icon and window are shown below.

You can include your own designs by copying and pasting graphics or photos (stored as PICT files) into the control panel.

For further information see Appendix B of the MAE User's Guide for details.

Launching programs easily

The Launcher control panel opens a window that lets you launch frequently used programs with one click.

See Appendix B of the MAE User's Guide for details.

Creating Sticky Notes

Sticky Notes are windows without scroll bars. You can create these notes and "stick" them to your screen image by selecting Stickies in the Apple ([[apple]]) menu. You select New Note in the File menu to create a note.

To move through a Sticky Note, use the up and down arrow keys.

See Appendix B of the MAE User's Guide for details.

Saving screen space with WindowShade

The WindowShade control panel allows you to reduce screen clutter. You can shrink windows with one or more clicks on the title bar, so that only the title bar shows.

You can set the number of clicks it takes to roll up the window. Click the title bar again to expand the window to full size.

See Appendix B of the MAE User's Guide for details.

Managing extensions and startup programs

MAE includes a number of extensions (such as control panels and devices that appear in the Chooser). Use the Extensions Manager control panel to determine which extensions are on or off when the computer starts up. You can establish sets of related extensions and switch them on or off as necessary.

See Appendix B of the MAE User's Guide for details.

Find File

MAE includes System 7.5's new Find File features, that allows a wider range of search parameters.

License Binder

The License Binder helps the system administrator keep track of the number of MAE licenses used. See Chapter 1 of this guide.

Temporary Installer Volume (TIV)

The TIV provides an alternate method for installing applications. It helps solve problems that arise when certain application installers try to install applications into the root of the file system. See Chapter 3 of the MAE User's Guide.

Improved Support for Network File System (NFS)

See Chapter 2 of the MAE System Administrator's Guide.

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