v. 1.02a 13 December 2004 ------------------------- 1. Removed "-s" (solid archive) parameter from RAR commands. This *may* result in a slightly larger archive file. 2. Added "-msrar;zip" parameter to RAR commands. This causes RAR to skip the compression step for any file with the extension ".zip" or ".rar" I made both these changes to reduce the length of time required for the backups to run, which on my system, at least, was getting completely out-of-control. v. 1.02 3 Nov 2004 ------------------- 1. Reduced the compression factor to M1. This noticeably sped up backup time without unduly increasing archive size. 2. Cleaned parameter-handling to make handling multiple drives more predictable. 3. Cleaned up handling of target drive letter to allow more flexibility in specification of the target drive. 4. Added some "Starting programs" to make using LDBkup easier to configure and easier to use with triggering programs like Relish and cron. 5. Updated the documentation file. (This information, however, is not yet in it.) |===================| | Starting Programs | |===================| NOTE: Use of these starting programs is entirely optional. However, I have been using them for many months and have found them very convenient. The first of these is LDSTART.CMD, a simple REXX program which sets up certain parameter necessary to run LDBkup. The example included in this package is: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ /**/ '@NET USE W: /D' '@SET LD_DEBUG=0' '@SET LD_HOME=G:\LDBKUP' '@SET LD_Output=\\LAN-BACKUP\WFM-DESKTOP' ARG Parameters CALL LDBkup Parameters EXIT ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ a. In my system I have reserved drive letter W: for LDBkup. If you need or prefer a different letter, then change the @NET USE W: /D statement to use that letter. b. The next statement using LD_DEBUG should not ordinarily be changed. c. LD_HOME is the Drive and Directory containing LDBkup.cmd. d. LD_Output is the machine and drive of the target drive specified in UNC format. Because of the way LD_Output is set up, it is possible to send the archive files to a specific directory on the remote target. To do this, go to the target machine, and set up a SHARE with any 12-character name. Then in the local machine use the 12-character name as filename in the @SET LD_Output .... statement. Note that this allows you to back up to any directory on any machine on your LAN, or even a directory on your local machine! In the example above \\LAN-BACKUP is the name of the machine I have reserved, partly to back up my system. \WFM-DESKTOP is the hostname of my local machine and also the name of a directory on the backup machine. e. Whatever parameters you specify will be passed unchanged to the main program, LDBkup. The second program is a trivial OS/2 command line which encodes the parameters use for LDBkup on the program name. So if I want to do a full backup of drives C: and D:, I create a program called FULL_CD.CMD which calls LDStart with the parameters FULL, C:, and D:. These programs serve as memory aid as well as a way of putting the LDStart call into a trigger program that won't allow the long command lines sometimes required by LDStart/LDbkup. I am working on adding configuration support to LDBkup, as well as converting LDBkup to VAC++ to help make it faster and easier to use. However don't expect these changes tomorrow...especially the conversion to C++! I am aware that LDBkup helps fill a void left by the Backup/2 family, and will continue to work on improving LDBkup as my time and energy permit. Comments and feedback from those who find my small project useful are most welcome.