LDBkup - LARGE DRIVE BACKUP Purpose: To provide a simple, yet effect tools for backing up large logical volumes and partitions (i.e. whose archive size is > 2GB. Method: Uses RAR (copyrighted) with its unique file-spanning option to do the actual backup. Therefore RAR (available at http://www.rarlab.com/rar must be installed on your system for LDBkup to be able to run. If you find yourself using RAR regularly, please register it. :-) Installation: 1) Install RAR by unpacking the self-extracting archive into a directory of your choice. 2) Rename the file RAR32.exe in the RAR directory to RAR.EXE. 2) Add the above directory to the system PATH. 3) If necessary add a ".\" (minus quotes) at the beginning of your LIBPATH. This will ensure that the newer version of emx.dll contained in the archive will be used. 4) Unpack the LDBkup archive to RAR directory used above. 5) With any text editor, open the file LDBkup.cmd, and edit the the SET statements for LD_HOME and LD_Output to the fully-specified path into which you installed LDBkup, and to the UNC value for the directory into which you want the archives to go, respectively. Do not modify or adjust the single quotes. NOTE: The UNC for a directory is always in the format \\servername\sharename, where "servername" is the computer-id or hostname of the system containing the the directory, and "sharename" is the name assigned assigned to a drive or directory by the NET SHARE command or by using the "Sharing and Connecting" program. TIP: Entering "Net Share" (minus the quotes) from a command line will list all the sharenames defined for the system. Installation is now complete. Using: To use LDBkup, simply enter the command "LDBkup Type Drive1: Drive2: from a command line, where Type is the backup type (FULL, DIFF), and Drive1, Drive2, etc. are the drive letter to be backed up. The COLONS must be present. For more information, see the LDBkup.html file. Enjoy! Walter F. Metcalf www.warpdoctor.org/walter.metcalf/ walter.os2@rogers.com