A patch to further fix 2GBFIX. Using 2GBFIX, found that my DOS word processor (the obscure Celebrity) STILL wouldn't save if free space > 2G AND file > 65000, so experimented with patching $FFFF value returned (MAXCLUSTERS in .asm, offsets $0174 and $018A in .com); $FFFE didn't help, but $FF00 solved my problem. (BTW, I rarely edit files over 65000 bytes, though the program isn't limited, so perhaps will run into this yet again sometime when free space + file size exceeds maxint!) This may apply only to my unique circumstances with a cranky but cherished antique w/p. But I noticed that 2GBFIX is in the top 50 downloads from Hobbes in May of 2007 (!), so this patch to it may help someone else. -- I'm not the author (my thanks to him), just long-time user of 2GBFIX. Patching the .com with debug from a DOS prompt is easier than re-assembling: >debug 2gbfix.com -e cs:0174 (shows byte as FF; type 00, and ) -e cs:018a (again shows byte as FF; type 00, and ) -w -q > (done, back to DOS prompt) If trying other values, remember that in Intel format numbers are stored with the lower-order byte in the lower address!