Welcome to the Allied Telesyn FTP site. All current drivers located on this site are linked directly to the Service & Support web pages on the Allied Telesyn website at the following URL: http://www.alliedtelesyn.com/support/ Refer to the website to determine the latest version number of each driver. Please find a key to the directory structure at ftp.alliedtelesyn.com below. DIRECTORY* CONTENTS /bridges Drivers and other software bridges /cwdm Drivers and other software coarse wave division multiplexer products /hubs Drivers and other software hubs /medconv Drivers and other software media converters /nms Network management software downloads /nics Drivers and other software network adapters /repeaters Drivers and other software repeaters /routers Drivers and other software routers /switches Drivers and other software switches /voip Drivers and other software for VoIP products /wireless Drivers and other software for wireless products Within each directory are subdirectories designated by product name, number and/or series. * Public directories exist under /pub Thank you for visiting the Allied Telesyn FTP site. Please note that use of this site is by permission only. If you have questions or comments regarding this site, please contact webmaster@alliedtelesyn.com or visit our website at http://www.alliedtelesyn.com/. Contents copyright 2004 Allied Telesyn International.