AmigaActive (989/1728)

From:Don Cox
Date:20 Jun 2001 at 22:21:16
Subject:Re: Whinge,whinge!!!!

On 19-Jun-01, Richard Friend wrote:

> For what it's worth, here's my two pence worth. I bought my EZ/PC
> tower last year because my CD 32/SX 32 Pro 50 had reached the end of
> it's life, no more upgrades available! My new A1200/060/66 with huge
> hard drive and tons of fast ram falls over quite frequently! I'm sick
> to death of clicking the left mouse button to reboot!

That shouldn't be happening. The only thing that makes my 68060 machine
crash regularly is testing Voyager betas. Keep off them and it runs for

The problem is to discover whether it's hardware or software at fault.
Do you have hacks and patches? Does it crash with any particular

> The Siamese RTG
> has never worked and still doesn't.

Never did AFAIK. You might try Samba.

> I can read the PC's files from my
> Amiga but what use is that? Picture files are best viewed by using the
> PC to access the Amiga's hard drive!

Why can't you view them on the Amiga? What graphics card are you using?

> I've bought and paid for O/S 3.5 and 3.9 and can see only minor
> graphical improvements!

That's because Haage and Partner refuse to release the list of bugs that
have been fixed.

> I can't wait for the new Amiga to be launched and really hope that it
> does well but I wont be buying one simply because I just can't find a
> use for the one I have now! I've tweaked my workbench to look nice but
> it's like a work of art, looks nice but doesn't do much!

That's not what a computer is for. Don't you have any programs?
Pagestream? Imagine? B&P?

What did you intend to do with the computer?


Don Cox

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