AmigaActive (985/1728)

From:Matt Sealey
Date:20 Jun 2001 at 20:12:56
Subject:Re: Whinge,whinge!!!!

Hello Jim

On 20-Jun-01, you wrote:

>> why it went tits up: they ditched the PPC instead. Someone needed to step
>> in and say "woah!!" but instead they stepped back and dropped the Classic
>> platform like a dead weight.
> I think Petro/the community were saying this. Before St.Louis it seemed we
> must wait around with our little 68k OS 'til full-blown DE.

This is Escom era we're talking about. Way before the DE. Before even the
AmigaObjects/QNX/Linux fiasco.

>> But now Fleecy wants to fire up the same wars again by picking up where it
>> left off, and not going for the route everyone except H&P thinks is best.
> I got the impression from the Q&A that Amiga taking control is to quell
> damaging wars and get official unified direction again? In fact Fleecy
> explicitly states this.

"Quell damaging wars" by palling up with the company who'd spread the
most dirt about them. Fleecy knows what the best solution is, but in his
tiny mind he cannot stand to lose such a "big" developer as H&P. Because
they WOULD withdraw all support. Except H&P know they couldn't survive.
It's a great big vicious circle which means H&P get nice rights to every
facet of Amiga's operation, and Amiga get some well-being - even though
they do not have the most impressive solution.

To put it bluntly: why did Fleecy choose to get H&P to code most of the
AmigaOS 4.x kernel when there was a perfectly good AmigaOS PPC
kernel already running? Why did Fleecy choose to get Picasso96 people
to create a new PPC graphics subsystem when there was already a
PPC-native graphics.library and RTG system available? Why is Fleecy
choosing to get Olaf Barthel to write a whole new TCP/IP stack when
AmiTCP 4.x is already most of the way ported to PPC and all it'd take
is a little resolving with the original author over the OS3.9/Genesis

Because Fleecy is a mind-numbing idiot? I can't think of a better

>> Bad choice.
> Not as bad as above previous option IMO. 68k OS, mish-mash of underutilised
> PPC options & two fingers crossed firmly behind back. I simply can't see
> that the move to a clean design and full PPC OS can possibly be worse than
> the ludicrous situation we had?

Consider that if we'd have stayed with PowerUP, MorphOS or something like
it would have been with us as the phase5 G4 cards arrived (not long after

Instead phase5 went - no fault of anyone's other than the fact
that sales were decimated by the PUP/WUP "war" and faith in them was
dashed by some dirty-tricks marketing and an over-zealous freelancer
posting on c.s.a.m (his name rhymes with 'trouser')

I'd still like to have someone point out what is so good about WarpUP
compared to PowerUP, apart from the undying support of Hyperion and
a few Aminet applications..


Matt Sealey <>

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