AmigaActive (981/1728)

From:Barbara Giller
Date:20 Jun 2001 at 18:47:27
Subject:More than 4GB problem!


Some weeks ago I bought myself a 40GB HD. After some troubles I
managed to have 10 4GB partitions now, I use IDEFix97 for that. The
first partition (3.5GB) I formated fully, the other 9 partitions with
QuickFormat. Sometimes without warning, one of the partitions isn't
recognized anymore (NDOS:) and all the data on it is lost. Also,
recently, it happened, that I had a crash and the HD tried to
validate and after I managed to see the WB screen after some wait
(because of the Validation) a requester told me that 'DH2 is not
valdid'. Surprisingly this had no bad effect on my partition DH2, but
two other partitions suddenly were NDOS: (this happened after two
warm reboots).

Does anyone have an idea, what can be done about this? Do I have to
live with this situation and the unsecure feeling?? Is this the same
situation with OS.3.5 and the fix for HDs >4GB? Or would help to
install OS.3.5 (which I own, but don't want to use as I am quite satisfied with Opus Magellan 2 as a WB replacement)?
Is the IDEFIx97 a good solution? I have thought about buying a
Powerflyer (FastATA) which works perfectly in my boyfriend's Amiga.

One more question: If I decide to buy a Powerflyer, would I have to
quickformat all partitions after the 4GB barrier or should I format
them fully. My boyfriend formated them the 'normal' way (not Quick
Format) and everything is fine. He never had any problems with his 20
GB HD and Powerflyer.

I hope you can help. My system: Amiga 1200 in a PowerTower, Zorro4
board, 060/50MHz, Cybervision64/3D, 64MB, 40GB HD + IDEFix97

Thanx in advance and best wishes,
co-editor at GFX-Base:
ICQ: 57118477

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