AmigaActive (972/1728)

From:Matt Sealey
Date:20 Jun 2001 at 17:12:32
Subject:Re: Whinge,whinge!!!!

Hello Alan

On 20-Jun-01, you wrote:

> hi,
>> It's not a question of getting a compiler, it's an issue of modifying sources
>> to support it - a few tiny ones to get the 68k gcc to compile 68k V (since
>> gcc changes are usually wrapped in #ifdef MORPHOS blocks) and a few
>> massive ones to be able to be compiled and linked on a completely different
>> platform.
> 8-)
>> I do not have a PPC. (If I did, I would not be using WarpUP)
> ah, but I do have PPC...and I've tested all the environments, which is why
> I DO run WarpUP ;-)

I don't trust Haage & Partner, nor do I have any need to run any applications
which are purely WarpUP - if I wanted to play Shogo, I'd run it on my PC
(although I'd have to disable a crapload of features on my Radeon, Shogo
doesn't like HyperZ)

>> I do have a PC. Why can't I use that? Because Amiga want us to use some
>> nasty hybrid OS that they're making (with frankly disgusting options for
>> development, which entail BUYING STORMC for the most part)
> ?? I thought you just bought the Amiga SDK for developing for the new OS

Why on earth would you think that? Amiga can shove their SDK right up
their silly fat a**e. I don't intend to spend $100 (or if I'd bought the
original too, $200) on developing exclusively games for the Sharp
Zaurus pending AmigaOS and AmigaDE's merging sometime in 2002.

>> If anything came out of the PUP/WUP war, it's that H&P got exactly
>> what they wanted in that they now have Amiga wrapped around their
>> little finger, and pretty much exclusive control of the only development
>> platform.. and that's kinda sick.
> i dotn rate the PUP/WUP 'war' that much. more damage was done by those in
> charge of the Amiga that time...who wisely said 'No, we're not going to be
> using PPC' - WUP and PUP programs can pretty much exist in the same
> machine environment (barring a very few problematic programs).

WarpUP need never have been created. It offers zero features over PowerUP,
it's no more stable (in fact, the exact opposite is true) and certainly doesn't
have the "wealth of application support" that H&P says it has.

Unless you count a few games.

> If 'Amiga' hadnt f****d up the new CPU issue (ie said nothing!! instead of
> saying something and then DOING nothing!) then PowerUP board sales would
> have stayed high and the market-forces would easily have chosen the route
> to take.

H&P should never have taken advantage. Amiga didn't say anything which
is why it went tits up: they ditched the PPC instead. Someone needed to step
in and say "woah!!" but instead they stepped back and dropped the Classic
platform like a dead weight.

Good on them.

But now Fleecy wants to fire up the same wars again by picking up where
it left off, and not going for the route everyone except H&P thinks is best.

Bad choice.

>> No, it's that StormC sucks rotting donkey cock.
> ah, you've used StormC3 then too eh?

I've used StormC 2, 3 and had the unfortunate chance of having a look at 4.
Nothing changed: it just uses gcc now. I can use gcc on it's own.


Matt Sealey <>

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