AmigaActive (938/1728)

From:Neil Bothwick
Date:19 Jun 2001 at 23:31:46
Subject:Re: Whinge,whinge!!!!

Matt Sealey said,

>> How the hell do you manage all this without becoming a victim of the List
>> Tyrant? ;)

> I got away with it on AFB because Ben Vost agreed with me (although he
> objected to the swearing and namecalling). I imagine I get away with it
> on AFB still because I'm still agreed with by someone... can I imagine the
> same happens here?

We don't have to agree with you to acknowledge your right to hold and
expound a different opinion. As long as you don't go OTT in your
attitude or too far off-topic.

> Then again: I don't see how you can possibly ban or moderate the voice
> of common sense.

I wouldn't moderate that any more than I'd moderate you :)



Neil Bothwick - New Media Editor, Amiga Active Magazine

Processor: (n.) a device for converting sense to nonsense at the speed
of electricity, or (rarely) the reverse.

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